Am I In Love?!! (SNO || Shimayu Oneshot)

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Wow an obvious title...*claps*

And here ya go mjduerme12345

Sorry for the long wait...


Its been a month ever since they left on mainland, Benio managed to get her enchanted powers back and can now go to the island which makes Rokuro and Mayura very happy. Well Mayura is a little upset because Benio made it to the island because Rokuro and Benio can be together again which is why Mayura shook all the negative feelings off and trying to move on. . .which is. . . hard.


'Cmon Mayura, you have to move on! You know that Rokuro loves your other best friend that is Adashino san. You will find someone who is much better than Roku so MOVE. ON' Mayura thought to herself, not paying attention at Rokuro that is discussing his surprise party for Benio. And that causes Rokuro to frown.

"Oi, Mayura are you listening?" Rokuro said still frowning and Mayura woke up from her deep thoughts and laughed sheepishly.

"Ehe. . .sorry can you repeat that again?" Mayura smiled and Rokuro sighed. "You know we don't have much time because Benio is arriving today!" Rokuro replied and frowned again but replaced with a serious look.

"If you don't want to help-" Rokuro sighed until Mayura cut him off.

"No, No! I'll help, its just that I'm just thinking about something" Mayura said until Rokuro smirked.

"Or is it a Someone?" Rokuro smirked until Mayura blushed.

"W-What makes you say that?!" Mayura shouted. .well. .yelled at Rokuro and Rokuro laughed.

"Don't yell! Your making it obvious that your thinking of someone" Rokuro said and suddenly became smart. Which is a rare thing to see.

"I-Im telling you, i-its n-nothing" Mayura said with a soft croaked voice meaning she's gonna cry anytime now.

"O-Oi! M-Mayura d-dont c-cry! Ok its nothing!" Rokuro said with a sweatdrop.

"Finally!" Mayura smiled as she wiped her ''Fake'' tears. Well she is gonna cry. . .never mind.

And after that Rokuro repeated his Surprise plan for Benio that she's going to arrive today, they had a little help from Arisu and Kinako until they heard that Benio has arrived and Rokuro went out to find Benio and helped her with some of her things and made their way back to the "Enmado House" and Benio is a little upset because Rokuro took over the "Adashino Clan/House" but happy because the house isnt destroyed and she can be with Rokuro again and went inside. They were all so happy until Mayura had to leave because Yuzuru called her to go home which made Mayura a little bummed out because she had to leave.

They all said goodbyes and Mayura went outside to go home. And she had to go home before 6:00 PM which is one of Yuzuru's rules to Mayura and Mayura is an obedient person (well a little obedient) so she doesn't complains about the "Rules" Yuzuru gave her.

Oh and I forgot to tell you that Mayura and Shimon are really close I mean like close friends, well. . . Shimon is still cold and serious. Rokuro always tease Mayura whenever they (Mayura and Shimon) get together or when Roku sees them walking together, they really look like they are dating or a couple that's why Rokuro teases them because they're all lovey dovey~ well if Roku teases them Shimon doesn't care but if he (Roku) crossed the line. . . Roku will be at the hospital by now.

~Time Skip~


Its morning and its time to go to school so Mayura woke up early and done her morning routine and went to school.

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