If SNO is drunk xD

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Don't have a pic but maybe ill draw Right after i finished another drawing request.

Me and kurohanakanzaki is just commenting around until an idea pop up (thx)

Story time in 3 2 1

Arima: Oi the 4 of you!

Shimon: Hai Arima sama

Roku: what now pervert underpants.

Benio: hai!

Mayura: H-Hai

Arima: i want the 4 of you to drink this! *shows up a bottle full of idk*

Roku: what is this?

Shimon: why are we suppose to drink this?

Mayura: Eh?

Benio: *stares at Arima weirdly*

Arima: just drink it!

Roku: theres no way-

Shimon: well orders are orders *drinks up*

Mayura: uhm...*drinks up*

Benio: Hmm....*drinks*

Shimon: *finishes it*

Mayura: *finished drinking*

Benio: *finished*

Roku: Fine! its not poison! *drinks up*


I cant believe im going to type this!!😂😂

Roku: OI I WANT *hicup* MORE!!

Benio: What is Life...*sulks*

Shimon: *laughs*

Mayura: No One notices me! *cries*

Arima: *recording it*

And another

Mayura: (Name of idk)~ am i that bad? *cries*

Shimon: *laughs*

Roku: SHUT UP! *punches shimon*

Benio: mother, father, forgive me *sulks*

Arima: im gonna post this!

~part 1 ended xD

~Random Sousei no Onmyouji~with One Shots. Need Some Volunteers For Ideas!Where stories live. Discover now