what do you feel??

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Many of my friends has a crush on anime and if they find out that my other friends has a crush on their crush theyre 100% yandere XD im serious........they will bully you forever until the end of the school years.

Good thing im not a victim xD

If you have a crush on the anime......what do you feel on the ones that has a crush on your crush.....

If you can pick one Anime to live what Anime would it be??

If you can meet one Anime character who is it??

Share your thoughts!/ answers!!

My answer is

1.i feel half sad, angry, and idk happy (weird T_T)

2. I have two options

Sousei no Onmyouji
Fairy Tail

3. Idk its hard XD maybe ill answer it some other time....

Cant wait for Wednesday and Thursday!!!! 

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