...a theory about shimons hair color er family i think?

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Well....if u think im dumb dont read it...simple solution.


Shimon has fuchsia hair right?

his MOM's hair color is red.

Wanna know why?

Because IF his DAD's hair color is RED then SHIMONS REAL NAME IS REALLY IKARUGA.

Dad- Ikaruga

Mom- ???

BUT...NO HIS MOM's last name is IKARUGA.

Cause if his dad's last name ikaruga....then they dont have to change it. Cuz he is already an ikaruga.

Cuz they changed shimons last name (to ikaruga) right?

So...his mom married his dad and their name changed.

So his moms hair color (maybe) is red.

And his dad....well maybe light purple?


Cuz Red + Light Purple = Fuchsia


Red + Purple + White (little) = Fuchsia.

-weird right?-

Oooorrrr maybe his mom's hair color is Hot Pink.

Hot Pink + Purple= Fuchsia

(If u think this is a waste of time...gomen)

Or there is a chance that his father's hair color IS fuchsia.

Red and Fuchsia dont mix.

So maybe shimon got his hair color from his dad.

His Mom is an Ikaruga and im sure of it!

And u know why im sure that his Mom is an Ikaruga!

-and now this theory had changed into his family-


Hows my stupid theory...

I think im right about his Mom being an ikaruga...

Cuz its obvious xD


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