She's Mine Part 2 (Sousei No Onmyouji | ShiMayu)

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Super $#!+....

Sorry for the
SUPER Late update!!

Nii san - Keiji san

Nii sama- Shimon kun/san

Back to the story^^
(Sayo Chan's POV)

"Tch can't believe that Nii sama still never realise that he has feelings for sister in law!! Its very obvious that he likes her..." I pouted

"Hahaha he's very stupid and wait the others do think they're really close but doesnt notice that he likes her.... does that mean were the only two noticed that shimon likes her??" Nii san laughed.

"Maybe....I don't know" I said.

'Oops almost forgot the plan!!' I thought, geez i better hope that i would not forget it tho.

"Nii san my plan I mean our plan must work!!" I shouted at him.

"What plan?" Someone said

'Oh oh...' Oops

"Shimon! What a nice surprise!" Nii san said

"What kind of plan are you two planning" Nii sama frowned

"I-Its a surprise!!" I said

"Chiiko don't tell me that this is a part on your ''silly'' plan" Nii sama glared

" im telling you its a surprise...." I pouted again and he sighed.

"Tell me what are you planning this time..." Nii sama sighed.

I need to think fast....nii sama looks serious, nii san wears his stupid face which means he'll laugh at any moment now and here i am thinking on what lie should i tell my so called "cool" Nii sama but i have to admit it he is cool :).

"Chiiko?" Nii sama gave me a confused look.

"Uh....its a plan for...." Cmon sayo think!!

"For...what exactly?" Nii sama asked.

"F-F-For....ROKU!" gosh nice job sayo!

"Enmado?" Nii sama said and thought about what i just said.

"Y-Yeah! Right Nii san!" I smiled and when I looked at him I glared.

"Y-Yeah!" Nii san smiled.

"Really then tell me what's your plan?" Nii sama is trying to predict on what will happened again. I sweat dropped and thought on what should I tell him. And now that I think of it.. I forgot to give roku some chocolate for valentines! Gosh I'm so forgetful.

"Uhm...I forgot to give Roku some chocolate for valentines so I planned on surprising him today!" Great job I am really proud of myself today!

"Tch...why does some people likes an idiot like him" Oh oh Nii sama is jealous again. I'm trying to hold my laughter but he noticed my face.

"Chiiko?" Nii sama said and I laughed.

"People. like him cause he's....Handsome!" I said and its true! He's my prince charming!

"Well he has a small brain than being attractive" Nii sama said again which I could feel a nerve popped up on my head.

"He may be stupid but he's helpful and kind hearted! Well he does disobey some laws but still he doesn't want anyone to die anymore! And I think your just saying that cause your jealous" I smirked as I tried holding my laughter again because seeing nii sama's reaction is very funny!

"I-Im not jealous!" Nii sama defended himself again. I sighed "yeah keep telling that yourself...its quite obvious that your jealous!" I stuck my tongue at him.

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