Tenro Oneshot (Kuro x Tenma)

148 7 63

-.- shiroikami_himeyuki requested it lol.

And kuro


Stay there

And dont




Lol jk u can



kurohanakanzaki(?) The princess of Alvarez, tip idol of Japan And one of the powerful gods of the whole (idk) and Tenma Unomiya, just an exorcist, let me rephrase that, strongest exorcist. The two are really good friends! Actually they fought a lot and tried to steal each others dangoes and plus they always glare at each other. cause....they are really...really....good friends

Kuro was just walking down the street with her friends..well...matchmaking friends...uh nevermind that is himeyuki, Cey, Gris, and Zinna. Himeyuki is Kuro's cousin.

They were just talking about something when kuro bumped into her great friend that is tenma.

"Watch where your going Cocky princess" Tenma glared at her and Kuro glared back.

"I would say the same thing, Dango freak" Kuro said as she continued walking "YOU ALWAYS LOVE DANGOES! WHATS THE USE OF THAT STUPID NICKNAME?!" Tenma yelled and walked at the opposite direction while he ate all his dangoes.

"That Dango freak always ruined my day" Kuro said angrily as the four giggled.

Cey laughed "Oh cmon u two are really mea-"

"Not! Don't say that!" Kuro said as Cey laughed even more.

"No wonder why T-" Cey said until shiro covered her mouth.

"Wonder....what?" Kuro said in confusion.

"Nothing nothing! No wonder why u love dangoes!" Shiro (himeyuki) said as she removed her hand that is covering Cey's mouth.

"Hmp...oh well" Cey mumbled and Zinna looked around.

"Hey guys, I think I saw a theme park over there! Let's go!" Zinna said as they all nodded and had a race to see who loses cause the one who loses gets to treat all her friends, she will even buy the tickets.

Unluckily Shiro lost "oh come on!!! One more round! Please!"

"Nope! Were here anyways" Gris smirked and shiro sighed "Fine!"

They all fall in line, waiting for their turn "I think this is my lucky day" kuro said "why?" Gris asked "dunno"

As they entered the theme park they all went in tons of rides...well...when Cey was getting dizzy because she has slight motion sickness when she rides vehicles and stuff.

(Fun fact: that is true...)

"Oh look your boyfriend is here" Zinna smirked kuro almost choked "*cough* *cough* I don't care and fyi he's not my boyfriend" She glared but Zinna eye rolled.

"Uh...I think I will buy some snacks!" Cey said as she ran "ooh..uh I need to get some drinks!" Gris said and quickly dashed to somewhere "I'll go help Cey!" Zinna said as she ran "uh...I'll get you some dangoes!" Shiro smiled as she walked away.

Cey quickly hide from the bushes with Gris, Zinna, and Shiro.

"What took them so long" Kuro said as she get some more dangoes from the box until they suddenly disappeared.

"Hmm...yummy dangoes!" Tenma said as he was eating all of kuro's dangoes.




"YOU STOLE MINE BEFORE WE EVEN MET!" Tenma frowned but quickly turned upside down from the dangoes, which makes Kuro pissed.

"Hmp!" Kuro said as she turned around "where are they!"

"Who?" Tenma asked and Kuro eye rolled "my friends of course and I'm not in the mood to fight you"

"Tch" Tenma frowned. Kuro is still waiting 'patiently' for her friends.

"YOU! BRING ME DANGOES! DANGO THIEF!" Kuro said pointing at Tenma "M-ME?! NO"

"I will summon Dango man" Kuro said as Tenma has the 'wtf' face "why would i believe you?"

"Because im a God of course" Kuro crossed her arms and Tenma didnt believed it "Prove it"




Sry for cliff hanger guys lol

Even tho kuro *ahem* doesnt care *note sarcasm*

Who invented dango man again? I think.... :P

And also part 2 would take some time cuz of school....


Well....the truth is.......i accidentally deleted the whole thing ;_;

Good thing theres a draft about....this

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Signed by: Cey and Shiro

Lol what's the use of this XD

Kuro....'3' San!


And the kankuro x reader is almost finished!


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