Time to Go to the Beach! SNo pic

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Benio's Mom tho 😂😂

Just like Benio when she saw Mayura's big chest XD

Just like Benio when she saw Mayura's big chest XD

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I can see Arima enjoying his dolphin 😂😂

The one who's taking the pictures.....is that Arata?? 😂😂

Seigen is like "I don't care" and enjoying the view, maybe xD

Benio has the looks from her mom. But her ohagi obsession is from her dad xD.

Mayura has Yukari's looks (obviously) and everyone knows that. 

Arima is enjoying his crazy life.

Narumi is sashing the watermelon for who knows what.

And Arata is taking pictures....why does Seigen doesn't care? His wife and his so called "annoying friend" (to seigen) is taking pictures of his wife. So its like he doesn't care or he just don't know that Arata is taking pictures of his Ex- nope Wife xD

Again another fanart but amazing!

I still cant forget about Benios mom reaction xD.

And Benios dad is enjoying his ohagis.

Psst i have a theory xD

Rokuro- Benios Mom.

Benio- Benios Dad.

Why do you ask?


Rokuro love spicy like benios Mom. Remember the episode where Benios mom said they are making curry tonight and benios dad complained cause he doesn't like spicy things.

And Benio loves sweets like her dad. Its simple xD and opposite.

Benios Dad- loves sweets and dislikes spicy.

Benios Mom- loves spicy dislikes sweets (maybe)

Rokuro- loves spicy and dislikes sweets

Benio- loves sweets dislikes spicy

Remember the episode where Mayura called benio and benio is shocked cause rokuro placed spicy things on the ohagi.

Ha~ memories xD

Now this chapter became a theory now not a picture xD


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