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Ok this is my first time writing this  zodiac sign chapter so it might b confusing af.

Btw tho u searched their Birthdays and uh...wrote them and uh...i found on when is Aquarius etc.

So i wasted all my time for this one chapter xD

Welp here we go...

(Warning: Confusing AF)

Aries: Benio Adashino, Cordelia Kasukami, Yuto Ijika

Taurus: Narumi Ioroi

(That explains why there's a bull running {or maybe his guardian?} when he uses his uh hammer?)

Gemini: Rokuro Enmadou

Cancer: Kinu, Sakura Sada/ Shinnosuke

Leo: Tenma Unomoya


Virgo: (😂) Shimon Ikaruga and Yukari Otomi

(Idk why im laughing)

Libra: Miku zeze and Atsushi

Scorpio: Subaru Mitejima(?)

Sagittarius: Seigen Amawaka and Kankuro


Capricorn: Arima Tsuchimikado and Arata

Aquarius: Mayura Otomi/Amawaka and Kengo

Pisces: Sayo Ikaruga


Idk so if ur a girl then girl?

Boy is boy



ROKURO DOESNT HAVE A BDAY BCAUSE HE WAS FOUND on magano (on anime and manga? Idk)

Keijis bday is not written

Tatara is a shikigami.....on anime.....

-What zodiac sign r u?-

-ima...sagittarius -_- xD-


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