If SNO is drunk Part 6

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Welpp it seems like its going 6 to 10 parts...lucky u...


All of them: *fainted*

Haruka: *woke up* ugh...oh what happened.

Haruka: Guys!


Seigen: WHAT! IM NOT A MORNING PERSO- oh wait what happened.

Roku: ow my head, it feels like someone punched it really hard.

Benio: what happened...

Shimon: my throat suddenly became sore.

Mayura: my eyes hurts...what the am i crying?!

Ryogo: what the why am i holding a knife?!

Yukari: i feel dizzy...

Haruka: all i remembered is that we all drank our drinks.

Roku: that still doesnt answer our question...

Arima: I can!

Seigen: where were you? And what happened to you? *sees arima full of wounds and bruises*

Arima: I-Its better not to talk about it *shivers and remembered Y/N holding a chainsaw laughing like crazy*

(What too much?)

Arima: oh look a camera! *gets the camera that is hidden somewhere*

Ryogo: how did that-

Arima: lets all watch a movie shall we???

-after the "movie"-

Seigen: O_O

Yukari: O///O

Ryogo: *jaw dropped* wth


Mayura: T//T why

Benio: T-T

Shimon: oh no...

Arima: And who's the one who gave you all the drinks~??

All except roku: *looks at roku with scary eyes*

Roku: waaatt?

Yukari: where did u get the drinks?

Roku: at the kitchen and its already prepared


Benio: *death glares*

Shimon: your so dead

Seigen: why you twerp!!!

Ryogo: why roku~ I'm likely ur brother!

Roku: *runs with all of them chasing him*

End of part 6

Part 7 coming go -_-;;

~Random Sousei no Onmyouji~with One Shots. Need Some Volunteers For Ideas!Where stories live. Discover now