Save Me

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"Shari! Come on babe stay up!" My boyfriend Emmett yelled carrying me into Carlisles office. Carlisle pulled out his tools in a frantic motion.
I was just attacked by a bear and I'm most likely gonna die.
"Emmett you have to"Carlisle sighed.
"NO!" Emmett yelled moving back.
"Emmett you have to or she dies you have no choice!"
Emmett sighed as Carlisle stood outside the door waiting. I licked my dry lips as I slowly started to drift.
"I'm sorry babe it'll hurt just a little" Emmett said rubbing my head then bending down kissing my neck. I sighed and tensed as a stinging burning pain pierced my neck I tried to push his off, but darkness eloped me.

I opened my eyes raising up feeling alright. I glanced over my body to see no marks no nothing. I looked around to a mirror to see that I looked more healthier than I did before. A creak on the floor broke my thought as I turned to see Emmett. He changed me. I'm a..vampire. He smiled at me and walked forward .
"Morning beautiful."

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