Jasper Request

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Requested! Sorry it took so long
(Song came from Thirteen Reasons Why)
Your POV:

I sighed in annoyance as Jasper Cullen yet tried and attempted to correct me on something I've said. Last time I checked im the teacher teaching this civil war stuff. I glanced at Bella who gave me a smirk knowing I was annoyed. Only a few people know that I'm her older sister. We hang out around school every now and then. People started to realize because you know to then it's kind if weird to hang out with a teacher, but nope we are sisters.

Crazy teens jumped with joy running towards the door as the last bell of the day rung. I smiled lightly walking over to the door opening it knowing that Bella and I could go home finally. I turned only to have Jasper Cullen right in my face.
I cleared my throat running my hands over my tan skirt.
"He-hello Harper what may I do for you?" I asked trying to back up a little only to stopped by the wall and Jaspers body.
He smiled and leaned close having our nose touch.
"See you later Mrs.Swan." He smirked walking out of the classroom leaving me breathless.
I stood in shock. See you later? What does he mean by that?
"He likes you" Bella said showing her shy smile as she held in her laugh.
"Like me? Um no Bells think again. He is so weird and he kinda starting to piss me off when he tries to correct me." I sighed sitting in my chair as Bella sat on my desk. Bella sighed and shrugged.
"Don't you like him just like...a little bit?"

I looked up and shrugged.
"Yeah but that's so weird since I'm a ducking teacher and he's a student he is a very handsome guy but you know that Bella."
I ran my hands over my face in annoyance now tired. Only to my advantage Jasper was listening from outside the door.

She actually likes me back? Maybe it is a little weird but in not a teenager. Edward bugged my shoulder.
"Just tell her dude" he whispered leaning against the locker waiting on Bella.
"How?" I asked sighing looking at him.
"I got a plan." Edward said leaning close whispering the plan to me.

Your POV:
Bella jumped into Edwards car waving at me as the pulled off now leaving me by myself in the school parking lot.
"Hey Leah" A familiar voice said behind me making me turn to see Jasper.
"Jasper? What may I do for you?" I said leaning against my car crossing my arms making my chest like out a little.
"Do you mind if I ask for a ride i-i mean uh-um-can you drive me home? my ride for busy with something else." He said looking at his feet.
I nodded towards my car to the passenger side smiling.
"Hop in"

-During car ride -

Jasper and I laughed at his hilarious story of Rosalie and Emmett he had told making me lean on steering wheel to steady myself.
"Hey pull over there." Jasper said with a smile making me turn and suddenly pull over.
"What we doing right here for?" I asked only to have Jasper turn my head and kiss me. I stayed still in shock not knowing what to do but I soon kissed back having him grip my left hip and have me rubbing my fingers through is short wavy ginger hair. After a while we pulled away and leaned heads against eachother.
"Jas--" I started off but was inturrputed.
"Leah I've always wanted to say this and I mean it to but I've always wanted to be with you and I still want to. Yeah u act like a dick at times I guess but I only do that because then you pay more attention to me." Jasper confessed as he played with my hands.
"Jasper if you felt that way you should of just said so." I rubbed his cheek smiling.
"One question?" Jasper said intertwining our fingers before asking "will you be mine?"
I smiled wide nodding as I pecked his lips again.
"One more thing and don't freak out" Jasper smiles still looking at my hands.
"What's that Jasper?" I said nervously.
He looked up into my eyes and smiled nervously but sweetly.

"I love you"

Requests are open! Requested- MrsSpock. Hope you liked it.

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