I Still Love You (SharixSeth)

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"Shari,i-" Seth started as he layed in bed with me being my big spoon and traced shapes on my hips kissing my shoulder softly as I scrolled through my phone. I placed my phone on the mattress and looked back.
"What is it Seth?" I asked turning my full attention to him.
"I want to show you something." He said sitting up on his elbow leaning his chest onto my back.
"Okay show me" I said kind of anxious to hear.
"Come, follow me" He whispered getting up going to the door. Hurrying I hoped out of bed and followed Seth into my backyard to the woods.
"Seth, why the hell are we going to the woods?" I asked confused as I hugged my body. Seth chuckled before taking my hand as we made it far enough into the forest.
"Please don't leave me when I show you this. I love you and I'm just as scared to show you then you are when you see it" he said shyly.
"You killed someone!?" I said having it be the first thought in my head.
"No just watch" he chuckled and then began to strip. I've seen Seth partly naked but not all the way. When he stripped all the way down I got quiet and just scanned my eyes all over his body. He hunched over once he was naked and began to slightly shake. I backed up a little making my back hit a tree. Before I knew it a slightly huge wolf appeared which startled me but it walked forward and rubbed it nose slightly on my arm leaning on me then leaned into my face.
"Seth?" I whispered as I began to oddly relax. He looked into my eyes as my heart melted as I watched his sweet, warm, brown ones. Sticking out my hand I began to let him.
"I don't care if your a wolf Seth. I still love you just as much as when we first met." I pecked his nose making him snuggle into my chest.
"Just one request." I said softly making him look up assuring me that he is listening.
"Change back." I chuckled.

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