Meeting the brother (Eva imagine)

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Derek and the pact played football outside the house as I watched smiling. It was a rocky start with all of them but they had finally gotten a long and now talked quite a bit. And surpsingly Paul and Derek were buddies now.
I smiled turning a going into the kitchen to finish cooking for the boys. Sam heared a scream mamimg him turn and saw a leach standing over Derek trying to fight him. Sam had suddenly turned and attacked the leach killing it automatically. Seeing that the leach was dead I hurries inside to find the first aid just in case.
"Why did you help me?" Derek asked shocked.
"Because you are Eva's brother. And she is also my imprint, princess, best friend and the love of my life, and if you let me have the honor of having her as my wide you won't regret it."
After hearing this Derek smiled and nodded hugging Sam giving him his approval. He was just glad his little sister had finally found someone that loves her and would do anything to protect her. Derek walked to his car walking back and hand Sam a small black box.
"You had my blessing the day you proved to protect her when I came in" he chuckled as Sam opened the box to find a beautiful ring.

"You had my blessing the day you proved to protect her when I came in" he chuckled as Sam opened the box to find a beautiful ring

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"Thank you" Sam smiled wide.
"And if you ever hurt her you will it? I will rip your throat out with my teeth." Derek said as his eyes began to turn red warning him. Sam nodded cautiously before hurrying inside only to find me inside the kitchen.
I turned hearing him and smiled.
"Hey bab---" I was cut off by Sam kissing my lips hard as he cupped my face. I immediately kissed back smiling before pulling away to catch my breath.
"Eva, I love you so much. Your my imprint, my princess, my heart, my right hand and also the love of my life. Eva your not only my greatest live story your also my biggest break(this is us moment *tear tear*)."
He finished as I wiped my tear that fell and I gasped seeing him drop yo his knee.
"Sam what a----Eva will you please give me the honor of being my wife." He finally asked as he showed the ring. I smiled and tears fell as I frantically nodded.
"Yes! Yes!" I said leaping into his arms as he spun my around and kisses my lip before placing me down and sliding the ring onto my finger.
I'm finally going to marry the love of my life. I will soon be called Mrs. Eva Uley.

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