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      I sighed walking away from Rosalie going into the dark woods as I had tried yet again to talk to her. I really like Rosalie but something is just telling me to stop trying and let it go. All I'm doing is pestering her. No omw wants to be with a hybrid or even the beast. She knows I'm a hybrid she just doesn't know I'm the beasts. Just for safety reasons for me i haven't told anyone. I'm honestly scared of myself.
     Walking out I huffed and puffed now frustrated with myself and my stupid attempts. Why can't I just leave her alone?
     Edward tells me that she doesn't mean any of the rude things she said, but I know she did.
     I began to shake making me hold onto the tree next to me. I looked up seeing nothing straight. Everything was just a blur. Hunching over I groaned as my whole body began to hurt from the cramping and the pain.        My eyes widen as I finally realize what was actually happening. Shaking my head I tried to calm down, but it's like my body just took over. My knees hit the ground as I hunched over holding my stomach and chest as a burning sensation went through my fingers like it was ripping. Looking down my nails began to grow longer, and linger and dark hair began to grow all I've fly hands and arms.
"Arlan!" A familiar voice called out, but I was to scared to turn around.
"Arlan I didn't mean any of those rude things I've always said to you".
     It was Rosalie. I stayed in my place on the ground as my body had totally shifted and my body was shaking. The leaves crutched a little bit behind me letting me know that she was stepping closer.
    "You are important, charming, and not a monster." She added stepping closer making me move away with ease. In the state that I was in I would hurt her easily or even kill her. She finally stepped in front of me lightly touching my cheek making me freeze and tears ran down the fur on my face.
     Closing my eyes taking in everything. Why is she suddenly saying all if this? She doesn't mean it. I turned my head but she turned my face kissing my cheek making me calm down all of a sudden.  "I love you Arlan Hanson" she whispered to me.        
     I was no eye level with her so I looked around only to see that I was standing in front of her...naked.  I covered myself before looking into her eyes pulling her close to my body and kissing her lips deeply before pulling away leaning our foreheads against eachother sighing happily.

"I love you too Rosalie Hale."

Requested. Hope you liked it and sorry it's so short I did add some things or change. Requests are still open.

Twilight Preferences Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now