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"Mrs.Covington, you got to get it together." Jasper said calmly as he had yet knocked me onto my feet again. We are training for our fight against the new borns and we needed to be ready. I groaned grabbing Jasper hand as he helped me and up and I get back in my stance. I was honestly getting pissed from him knocking me down constantly. He smiled and swung at me, but I dodged it grabbing his arm and kicking my leg under him ready to break his arm off, but I stop and bend down to him mocking him.
"Mr.Hale, you gotta get it together." I smirked and let go walking away to everyone else who were laughing and now talking. A hand grabbed my wrist making me turn around and come in contact with soft, cold, yet warm lips. Sighing happily I gladly kissed back then pulled away looking into Jaspers eyes.
"That was very good babe" Jasper smiled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders making me wrap mine around his waist.
"You were bad yourself Mr.Hale" I smiled tapping his butt as I looked up at Emmett who got everyone quiet for a second trying to hold in his laugh. Esme hit his arm lightly to tell him to stop but she was smiling also as he crossed his arms smirking.

"So does it feel to get beaten by your girlfriend?"

Requested and I hope you like it sorry it was so short.

Twilight Preferences Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now