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I know its short, but I hope you like it.

       The wind from the open window touched my face as my body began to sway along with the soft drumming that is playing next to me. The words I began to sing start to fill my heart. Trying to fight back the broken tears. The man I thought that loved me pretty much gave up on me. I feel lost. Strumming my guitar softly along to the tune of the music I suddenly felt like i was being... watched. I finally opened my eyes and looked around. Lonely people sat at the bar waiting for their drink and even having failed attempts to get with someone they find attractive. Couples holding each other on the dance floor. Then there he was. His tall figure sitting at the table while his black hair shinned in the dull lighting of the bar. His tan, kinda of worn down sweater hiding under his grey jacket. His soft brown eyes looking into mine. I felt as if i were in a trance.Why am i blushing?! I began to think. The crowds clapping interrupted my thoughts. I smiled taking a bow and began to walk off the stage about to grab my coat getting ready to go home.

"This one yours?" a husky voice boomed making me jump a little.

"sorry didn't mean to scare you." I nodded accepting his apology.

"You have a nice voice. You sound almost hurt if i may say." he softly added.

Putting my head down I let out a small chuckle moving my hair out of my face.

"I guess you can say that. So you were watching me? I've never seen you here before. You live around here?" I asked curiously leaning onto the wall.

"curious much?" he chuckled showing his small yet warming smile.

"You can say that i'm kind of a investigator." I smiled back softly.

"Nothing wrong with that. Well I mostt  definetely wasn't stalking you, just watching you sing. You were into it. I could tell your words really meant something. And for your last question, yes I live here. For too long to be honest." he finished leaning on the wall with me crossing his arms making them look bigger as if he even needed to. I had to stop myself from looking.

Putting on my leather jacket I got closer.

"What was your name again?" I sighted tilting my head to the side.

He smiled sticking out his hand. "It's Sam. Sam Uley"

I took his hand getting lost in his eyes again.

"Nice to meet you Sam."

Twilight Preferences Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now