candyheart101 request

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Your outfit ⬆

Your POV
I fell to the ground as my drunk father Stan pushed me. I dodged every throw trying to get away till he finally hit my left eye. I winced in pain as he yelled in my face finally walking away falling asleep on the couch. I shook my head checking my red eye before grabbing my bag and going to school. I'm going to graduate nothing's gonna hold me back I'm getting out of this shit hole. I got on my black and pink motorcycle throwing on my helmet driving to school.

I parked my bike getting off only yo bump into Allison White and Amber Powers. I swear these girls are Regina Gretchen from mean girls. I groaned.
"What do you guys want this time?" I asked holding my helmet.
Allison put her finger on my shoulder. I looked down debating if I should twist and break it or leave it alone.
"Stay away from Jacob. He's mine and were gonna keep it that way. Got it pup?" Allison said with frustration.
"First off I'm not a pup and secondly Jacob is my best friend so I can talk to him and last time I checked your only older than my by a day so good bye sweetcheeks." I added like a smart was knowing if probably get it later as I walked away. Jacob got out his car jogging to me picking me up hugging me then stopped when he saw my eye.
"Kari what the he'll happened to your eye?" I moved his hand as tried to touch it.
"Nothing J"(his nickname) I said with a fake smile that looked real.
Jacob looked uneasily as we walked to our first class of the day.

The last bell of the day rung as Jacob and I walked to my bike giving another our last goodbyes till later.
"I'll come over later " Jacob said with his arm still around my shoulders.
"No!-- I mean no I'll come to yours" I quickly said kissing his cheek hopping on my bike and driving away.

Dad had his friends over again and they were of course drunk. Dad hit me hard sending me to the floor with a thud as one of his friends tore my shirt. I looked up at the door to see a kisses off Jacob before everything went black.

I stirred awake opening my eyes to see only a bright light. I closed my eyes and opening them finally coming into focus as I looked around the hospital room I was in and down to my lap where Jacob sat in a chair beside the bed with his head in my lap. I brushed my hand through his soft yet rough hair. He sat up slowly then jumped up hugging me instantly.
"Oh god Kari your awake." Jacob said repeatedly kissing my forehead then he stopped looking into my eyes kissing my lip. I froze until I finally kissed back. We pulled apart looking at eachother.
"I love you so much Kari"Jacob said as he held my hands in his.
"You don't like Allison " I said with venom in my teeth at her name.
"Regina George? Ewe no!" Jacob said making us both laugh. I guess I'm not the only one that thinks that.
"I love you too Jacob " I said with a smile.
"Let Sam adopt you I know it's to fast but we all want him and Emily to adopt you. And they want to also." Jacob said as I thought.
"Guess i have no choice " I said as I looked into Jacobs eyes.

Jacob got into the bed with me holding me close as we both began to drift off into sleep.

Requested for @candyheart101 hope you liked it! Sorry it took so long.

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