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I walked around the hospital waiting to hear news about Bella. She almost got hit by a truck at school and I hurried her to the hospital. I placed the waiting room sighing in relief after hearing she was okay. Charlie walked in and I told him she was okay and he hugged me walking away to her room. Looking around I decided to walk around as I heared some whispering. Peering around the corner I bumped into a very muscular man that had hurried and grabbed me to keep me from falling.
"Im sorry" I said. "I wasn't paying attention" I finished and looked up coming face to face with no other than Emmett Cullen. The guy at my school I had a crush on, but hoen at ly it seemed like him and his crew didn't want to be bothered.
"No, Im sorry I wasn't looking around me when I was walking. Are you alright? How's Bella?" He asked hands still on my arms making me shiver slightly from his cold hands which confused me because honestly it was pretty hot in the hospital. And lastly, how did he know her name?
"Uh, y-yes she's totally fine." I answered looking into his hazel eyes that somehow seemed to soften as I looked into them.
"I-im Emmett. Emmett Cullen." He smiled warmly sticking out his hand to take in his. My heart rate seemed to pick up.
"Shari." I smiled at him taking his hand in mine and shaking it.
"Nice to meet you Shari" he smiled and brought my hand to his lips kissing it softly.

Twilight Preferences Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now