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I looked around the classroom not seeing my best friend Sam. Frowning I took out my phone and texted him

"Where are you"

There was still no reply. I sighed putting my phone up only watching the clock not paying attention to the lesson at all.

The last bell of the day rung as I jogged out to my car driving over to Sam's. He hasn't been at school almost all week and he's been distant. That was all gonna end today. Or so I thought.

Pulling into the gravel driveway I saw Sam walking around to the back. Hoping out of the car I jogged up to him.
"Sam Uley where the hell have you been?" I said as I grab his arm.
"Eva what are you doing here?" Sam said hurriedly and pulled his arm back.
"Well you haven't been at school and I was worried about you and I texted you tons of times, tell me Sam why am I here." I finished and crossed my arms giving him a what the hell do you think face.
He rolled his eyes a sighed.
"Eva, you don't need to be here just go home and don't come back." He turned his back to me and started walking.
Mouth agap I looked at the back of his head.
"What the hell do you mean Sam I'm not leaving till you tell me what the he'll is going on!" I hollered now furious.
Sam suddenly stopped and turned to me shoving me back a bit kind of hurting my shoulder.
"We aren't friends anymore and I don't fucking need you!" He screamed with hurt in his eyes. I staggered back a little as I held back my tears making my vision a little blurry.
"Fine." I whimpered a little as I turned my back walking back to my car.

Sam POV:
My heart began to break as I watched her holding back tears. Oh God I can't do this to her. It hurts to watch her walk away, but she turned her back. I need her.
She's my imprint. Now shes gone. It's too late.

Your POV:
Its been four months since I've last talked to Sam. Four months of crying. Four months of shutting everyone out. Four months of ignoring everyone. Just going to school and back home.

I walked down the sidewalk on the street needing to get fresh air. I looked up to see a group of boys. A couple were shirtless and some weren't. They crowded in a group by the trees. Me being very cautious I started to turn back around.
"Eva?" A fairly odd familiar voice called out. I stopped in my tracks not wanting to turn around. I was finally getting over him. Why? Just why? Turning around I crossed my arms and leaned on my left leg.
"What do you want?" I huffed at him.
"Please let me explain everything" he softly sad as he rubbed his neck. His tall figure stood over me as I look down finally nodding.

-he tells Eva everything-

My mouth was agap as I processed the story in my head.
"I love you Eva and your my imprint" I frowned my brows and looked at him.
"One no you don't and two what the hell is an imprint?"
Sam took my hand in his softly as he looked into my eyes making me slowly melt.
"It's not the earth holding you here anymore, she does… You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend." He softly finished. I looked into his eyes in awe finally realizing it. It felt like it was only us and us only. Forgetting about our surroundings and even that the world existed. I finally knew that it was all true.

"I love you too Sam"

Twilight Preferences Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now