Meeting the brother (Eva imagine)

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I hoped in the car after school with the Jacob, Paul, Embry, Quil, and Jared, and Seth in the parking lot joking around ready to go back home. What I didn't know was that my brother Derek was inside the school looking for me.
We pulled up to my boyfriend Sam's house hoping out. Well the boys hoped out faster since they were ready for me to cook. Getting out of the car strong arms wrapped around my shoulder making me smile and tilt my head to the side letting him kiss my neck.
"Hello my beautiful Eva. I missed you" he whispered into my ear before I tilt my head back and kiss him smiling.
"I missed you too baby." I smiled before we both walked inside and I hurries into the kitchen to start cooking muffins.
As I was cooking the muffins the door had slammed open startling me but I stopped and listened to the voices.
"Where is she?!"
My eyes widened a I realized it was my brother Derek them I scrunched my brows wondering why he is here.
"Who?" Embry asked confused.
"Are you?" Quil said simply finishing his sentence that should be happened.
I stepped around the corner peaking seeing Sam and Paul ready to fight since they don't know who he is. Yeah yeah they haven't met my brother because hell he doesn't live with me and I rarely see him.
"I don't know who you are looking for but I need you to!" Sam said in his alpha voice. Derek didn't move which pissed Paul off sending him flying his fist into Derek's jaw. I gasped and hurries into the livingroom.
"GUYS STOP!" I yelled frantic as a fight broke our between Derek and Paul. Paul picked Derek up slamming him on the ground and Derek punched my best friend Paul in his stomach. My best friend and brother were now fighting and my boyfriend and the rest of the pact including Leah who randomly bursted in tried to pull them apart. I ram in pullin Paul off of him and only to have my jaw punched. I looked at Derek not realizing we he was at that moment since mine and his alpha eyes started to show and we began to fight sending us out of the door and into the front before I pinned him and growled only to realize again that he was my brother. I chuckled making him laugh as we hugged and I helped him up bringing him to the others.
"GUYS! this is my brother Derek, Derek this us my boyfriend Sam, then there is jacob, Paul---"*eyes balls Paul they guy he had faught*"embry, quil, Jared, Seth and Leah." I finished. Everyone stood cautiously seeing what would happen. I glanced at Sam and held his hand and he smiled before holding his right hand out.
"Nice to meet you--- I guess" he chuckled as Derek nodded and shook his hand before turning to Paul and the rest of the pack shaking their hands. When he had got to Paul he stopped but they sucked it up beause you were Paul's best friend and he decided to be nice.

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