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I sighed as I looked at my scantron before putting my black and pink colorful hair into a messy bun finally getting back to work.

-1 hour later-
Everyone sighed happily as we finished the test and also that the last bell of the day went off. I got up bending over to grab my book bag only to have hand grip my waist making me jerk up.
"Well hello sexy" a husky voice said making me smirk knowing that it was no other than my boyfriend Jared.

Jared has been my boyfriend for 11 months. We met when he was training with the Cullen against the new borns but there is two things. One in a vampire but not with the Cullens and two I'm Emily's niece. It didn't bother Jared that I'm a vampire so we hit it off from there. I'm very nerdy, corky, funny and weird in a good way, but not everyone likes me. A lot of people hate me actually. In school to be exact. I just don't know why.

"Ready to go beautiful?" Jared asked as he grabbed my bag putting it behind his back making me turn around to face him.

"Yes, yes I am" I replied pecking his lips quickly wrapping my arms around his waist taking my bag and hurries to hog away with him hot on my heels. We both laughed and giggled as he finally grabbed me  pushing me with my back lightly against his truck. I smirked as he pecked my nose and held my hips.

"I think we should get home babes" I giggled as I looked into his adorable puppy like eyes.

"I think we shall cause I have business to attend to" he chuckled making me frown my eyebrows.

"What business?" I asked confused as I turned getting into the truck.

"You Gabby" he said as he smacked my butt making me jump the rest of the way in. He laughed closing the door making me slap my forehead and chuckle.

"You're an ass" I grinned as I watched him get in the drivers seat. He closed the door leaning over to me closely as my cold nose touched his warm one.
"I'm your ass" he joked making me giggle and nod my head finally kissing his lips deeply as his hand grazed my cheek before we finally pulled away.

"Yes, yes you are"

Hope you liked it. Sorry it was short.Requests are still open guys. If you want a request just message me on here. Thanks for reading.

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