Reader imagine: Meeting Vladimir and Stefan

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"Stay close everyone" Charlilse spoke as he turned left the right to pear at us as we huddled beside him and covered eachother. I breathed in and out ready to lash out as I got an uneasy feeling then I looked at Alice as she dazed off getting something.
"Someone is here. There is two of them." Alice whispered.
Looking around Emmett snarled a little as Rose held onto his arm and Jasper stood close to Alice holding her hand.
"Y/n stay by my honey and keep a look out for Renesmee" Esme smiled nervously and held my arm putting me behind her protectively. I nodded holding onto her arm watching as the a blonde haired man and a brunette/black haired man walked to us and stopping a good couple of feet away.
"I am Vladimir" the kind of short, bleach blonde haired one said.
"And I am Stefan." The other one said.
I scrunched my brows speaking up.
"What did we do to owe this pleasure of meeting you." I crossed my arms over my chest.
Stefan softly said looking up at me with a straight face.
"We arw hoping that the controversy caused by Renesmee Cullen will finally present us with the opportunity to destroy the Volturi once and for all."
They answered with seriousness. We nodded and relaxed a little.
"The Volturi are going to be unannounced guest and they won't stop for nothing till they have her." Stefan said.
"If they touch this child, there will be some issues" Esme spoken finally getting defensive. Only the sound of birds chirping and the wind blowing filled the air as every stood their ground and glared at eachother in annoyance. Stefan nodded turning his back to us and speeding away.
Vladimir turned his back walking a few steps before wearing over his shoulder
"Be ready Cullens....they are coming to get this child, whether you like it or not. We will help you and make sure thwy go down once and for all." he said lowly with detwrmination in his voice before speeding away.

Hurrying inside the house I held Renesmee close and looking up.
"We can't let them have her. That just can't happen she us just a child." I said as she held me back.
"Its the Volturi and they aren't going to stop till they get her Y/N, but they are willing to help us and we know others to help us. I will get hold to our friends and family to help but there is going to be a war and we need to stick together to protect Renesmee we are running out of time."

I looked up at Bella as she stole close to me and her child along with Edward. There was only one thing to do to make sure no one hurt Bella, Renesmee or my family. Some may not like it but it's the only choice to make sure we win against the other vampires.

"Bella call Jacob."

Sorry it was so short I will do a part two. Requested by a lovely reader. Hope you like it.

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