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"What the he'll were you thinking Sam!? Huh?! Kristen's damn sister!" Paul screamed in Sam's face. I sighed sitting down not able to do or say anything to my overprotective, hot headed brother.
Earlier Sam had imprinted me. I didn't pay it any attention, but the way he looked into my eyes, with just so much love melt3d my heart and I couldn't help, but feel the same. Sam took the chance and sat beside me with no emotion to how Paul was talking to him. I mentally laughed to myself at how he was acting. Like it was nothing. Paul huffed finally walking out the door with Rebecca close behind trying to calm him.
We sat there in silence before I finally turned a little toward him.
"Am-- did you really imprint on me?" I asked quietly.
Sam smiled very lightly before looking down at his hands that later in his lap.
"Yeah" he replied.
I smiled to myself. Turning my head as I began to reply only to be cut off by a pair of warm soft yet rough lips on mine. I immediately for some reason kisses back. I felt safe, loved, and secure.
After a while we finally pulled away with goofy grins on our faces blushing like idiots.

Maybe just maybe this might be the start for us.

Hope you liked it. Sorry it's so short I can always do a part two for you. Requests are still open everyone.

Twilight Preferences Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now