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"Jake why her!?" I screamed as I followed him outside to where Bella was parked in the driveway with her truck.
"Because I love her and.. I don't love you anymore " Jacob said making me stop dead in my tracks and bite my lip as I watched him walk away. My world was completely shattered.

-2 months later-
It's been two months since Jacob blew me off and I've began hanging out with Paul and Sam more.(This is fake I'm gonna just do it though don't hate me) Emily died a couple years ago in an accident and by me and Sam hanging out I guess it was making him feel better. He was eating again and sleeping better no more crying. I miss her also, everyone does. Jacob showed up randomly jealous for some odd reason I guess because I started hanging out with the boys and well Sam more.
"Jacob stop and back off!" Sam yelled as Jacob pushed him away from me.
"No! Stay away from her!" Jacob said grabbing my arm.
" why would you care if I was with Eva, huh? You told her you don't love her and she was recovering till you came along with your stupidity!" Sam yelled as him and Jacob came face to face.
Jacob was now pissed and without thinking phaser right in front of you knocking you out cold.

Pt.2 will be uploaded

Requested hope you like it sorry that it was short but I'll do pt.2

Also I'll be uploading more Seth imagines and etc.

Twilight Preferences Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now