requests pt.2

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Paul's POV:

Sam hurried to Eva's side picking her up bridal style and carried her into the house laying her on the kitchen table instead of the couch. Eva's cheek was bloody and cut badly. Jacob came in slamming the door still trying to tell at Sam. I huffed pushing them both out of the way as I tried to clean Eva's face up, but the blood kept pouring out.
"Guys shut the hell up! She's losing to much blood we need to get her to the hospital!" I yelled trying to put pressure on the cuts but nothing was working. Sam ran over picking up Eva running to the car.

-a week later-
Your POV:

I stared at the mirror in the hospital bathroom holding back my tears as I stared at claw marks on my face and half of my chin.
"You ready to go?" Sam said as he stood behind me rubbing my shoulders with the look of sympathy on his face.
I nodded not really wanting to talk as I tried to walk away. Sam lightly tugged me back making me face him.
"Eva you are still as beautiful as ever and nothing's going to change that especially--especially in my eyes" Sam said as he looked back into your eyes. I looked up into Sam's eyes shocked with his words I've always loved Sam and now I'm really sure of it. I smiled as Sam kissed my scars.

"I love you Eva."

Request pt.2 I hope you liked it

A/N if you have a Tumblr I also take requests on there for mostly anything

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