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"Eva, the love of my life. We've been together for 5 amazing years and I honestly couldn't go on in life without you." Jacob stood in front of me during the bon fire catching everyone's attention.
"Jacob, baby, what are you trying to say?" I asked smiling holding his hands in mine.
"I'm asking" he says getting down on one knee. "Eva, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" He finally asked. Tears filled my eyes.
"Yes! Of course yes!" I jumped up on him hugging around his neck. Everyone cheered and clapped. My brother Paul stood up walking over to Jacob and I making me sit up.
"If you hurt her I will kill you slowly and painfully." He said sternly.
"I promise, Paul I won't" Jacob said holding his arm around my waist.
"Welcome to the family man." Paul smiled wide hugging Jacob and I.

Twilight Preferences Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now