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I walked from the terminal talking to my boyfriend Dean on the phone as I walked into the baggage claim grabbing my luggage.
"I love you too babe. I'll call you later. Bye" I smiled down at my phone finally turning around to see my best friend Paul Lahote waiting for me with a huge smile on his face. I smiled wide dropping my bag and running to him as he smiles wide picking me up and spinning me around.

"Hey Eva" Paul said smiling as he held me close then finally puts me down after we said how much we missed eachother and etc.

We both hoped in Paul's car chatting about how we have been and he told me about Rachel Black his imprint and etc. Then I told him about Dean and his face just dropped and he got silent.

"Paul are you alright?" I asked concerned as I turned to him.

"Yeah, peachy." He said gripping the stirring wheel making his knuckles begin to turn white. I closed my mouth leaning back against the seat crossing my arms trying to figure of what I said wrong.

We pulled up to his house in silence. Finally I got tired of it and turned to him.
"Paul, why the hell are you upset?" I crossed my arms.

"Why the hell are you dating a hunter?! Huh?! Now answer that question." He yelled leaning towards me. I wad taken back by the random outburst and huffed looking at him.
"One because I love him and he is not horrible and two if I was going to get bullshit for it I wouldn't have told you!" I yelled back getting out if the car slamming the door. Paul soon followed pulling me back slamming me against the side of the car but not hard enough to hurt me just made me wince a little.
"Then why are you down here?!" He yelled his hands now pinning my shoulders to the car.
"Because I wanted to see you but if that bothers you I'll fucking go back God damnit!" I finally pushed him away holding back my tears.
"Your not going anywhere Eva" Derek, my older brother and the alpha, came out of no where and said as our Uncle Peter followed close behind.
"Derek I'm not staying if he is going to suddenly treat me like shit so no" turns ready to get back in car.
"I'll stay at Emily's for all that fucking matters." I huffed only to have Uncle Peter pull me into his side and turning my toward Paul to face him keeping his arm around my shoulders.
"The both of you don't need to fight for any reason, one you've been beat friends since you were both in diapers and two it shouldn't matter who EITHER of you date to ruin your friendship." Peter said as he glanced back and forth towards us. Silence just finally feel between all of us.

"I'm sorry" Paul said softly after a very long pause. "I shouldn't be bothered by anyone you date. I dont control that. Im sorry." I looked up and nod. "Your forgiven" I whispered and finally stepped forward hugging him back. A good thing about mine and Paul's friendship is that if we fight we eventually make up pretty fast. Thanks with the help of my brother and uncle of course.

Twilight Preferences Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now