Titanic pt.3

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If you haven't read pt.1&2 please read them in my first twilight preferences and once again requests are still open.

*BOOM* *loud metal bending noises*
the boat shakes making both of you stop and fall to the floor.

Carlisle held onto your arm keeping you from falling over the boat.
You both looked around to see passengers panicking as you began to get up.
"What was that?" You asked rubbing the side of your arm.
"I don't know? Let's make sure everythings alright." Carlisle replied holding your hand pulling you along with him.

-at bottom floor of boat hours later-
Water came pouring in as you held onto the poor lost child trying to keep your balance as the water began to get colder and stronger.  The boat was sinking. Carlisle grabbed the child handing him to the captain to find her parents. 
"Come on y/n were gonna get out of here." You both began to tred up the stairs only to be separated by a crowd of screaming people trying to get through the metal gate. You were shoved away from Carlisle as the water reached your neck making you cry a little from the shock taking over your body. The gate closed as you swam towards Carlisle who was on the other side of the closed gate holding your hand, screaming for someone to unlock it or your drown. The guards ignored you both as they tried to save themselves.
"Y/N Come on stay above water don't hold your breath keep breathing I'll try to pick the lock." Carlisle said in a panic as he looked around for a guard with keys. So you began to breath faster and faster till the water finally consumed you as you held your breath.


That was pt.3 of Titanic of I should do a pt.4 let me know.

Twilight Preferences Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now