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I wake up to the sound of talking,i feel the talking is coming from somewhere in my room. Which means people are in my room. I don't make it apparent that I have woken up to whoever is in my room. I stay still with my eyes closed. I try to listen to what they are saying but I can't here anything they are talking really quiet. I decide to show them I'm awake so I roll over and open my eyes. Then I start to stretch sitting up. Then I feel 3 sets of eyes on me. I start to feel self conscious mom, Dallas and Demi are all starring at me but they aren't saying anything. What's happening? This is weird. I grab my phone and walk into my bathroom. Hopefully when I'm finished they won't be acting so strange.

Once I'm finished doing my business I walk back out into my room. I see that they are all sat in the same spots as before i left they were talking but as soon as I walked in they stopped. I'd had enough I wanted them out of my room if they were just gonna be weird and make me uncomfortable.

"Why are you all in my room? The doors there!" I stated pointing at the door

"Don't you remember what happened before you fell asleep?" Mom asks. What is she going on about. What happened? Now I'm getting scared. I didn't confess all my secrets did i??

"No? What happened?" I ask scared as can be. But I dint show my panic

"You had a huge panic attack!"mom says. Thank god it wasn't anything bad. I thought that my life was about to be over

"Oh"I state, panic attacks are the norm now for me. So I am don't make a fuss about them anymore

"Oh? It's not just a 'oh' Kelci. It was serious I've never seen you have a panic attack like that before it scared me! You can't keep going on like this we are taking you to the doctors this afternoon to see what's going on. Okay baby?" Mom asks. As soon as she say 'doctors' a wave of panic comes over me and I think Demi notices because she gives me a strange look. I Cover it up as fast as I can and nod my head. Which I wish I didn't do. I just agreed to going to the doctors fuck!

Mom pulls me into a hug then walks out of the room. I expect Demi&Dallas to do the same but they don't instead they take a seat in my bed and get comfy. Ugh can't they just leave. I don't want them here. I jump into my bed as well but sit up against the headboard. To get out of the awkward silence I start to watch Jenna marbles new YouTube video. Once they hear what I'm watching they come and join me in watching the video.

When the video is over I lock my phone. Hoping that someone will say something to save me from this awkwardness.

"So are you okay kel?" Dal asks. What does she want me to say?

"Yes,why?" I ask

"Well you had the biggest panic attack of your life today and your acting like it was nothing" Dallas states,laughing a little

"It was just a panic attack. It's really not a big deal at all!" I tell them

"It is a big deal! What triggered it anyways you were fine on the way home" Demi says. What triggered it? That's the question I have been asking myself since the minute I found out I had a panic attack. I mean it might of been nothing but usually when I have a attack it's triggered by something

"I don't know!"I laugh " I don't even remember having a panic attack so there is no point asking me" I say laughing a little again. They nod in agreement

"Excited for the doctors eyy?" Demi asks giggling nudging me in the side. I knew she caught on that I was scared

"Yess. Omg it's my favourite thing to do. I looveee the doctors me" I say playing along. Demi and Dallas laugh along

"No but serious now, you scared ?" Dallas asks

"Nah, it whatever" i say.I wish I really this calm about going. Inside I'm freaking out thinking of any worse case possible scenario

"That's good. Anyways I'm going shopping now I'll see you later on. Good luck at the doctors"Dallas says hugging me then leaving my room leaving me alone with Demi. Great.

"I know you scared to go to the doctors. I can tell by the way you were acting when I brought it up. You don't need to be scared he isn't going to kill you" Demi giggles.

"I'm really not. I'm fine, I don't care" I say trying to be as convincing as I can be. I really feel the opposite to everything I just said

"Whatever you say kel,wanna watch the new keeping up with me?" Demi asks.

"Yeah yeah whatever put it on" I say giving Demi the remote to my tv. "I'm going to shower quickly" I tell Demi as I walk into my bathroom. I'm still in my clothes from this morning when we went on that run which is so nasty. I strip down and jump into the shower. The hot water burns my skin but in a way In a way it feels nice. I quickly wash my hair and body then pick up my razor to shave. But once I pick it up another thought comes to mind. Cutting. I can't pick up a razor to shave without thinking about cutting now and I hate it I wish I was normal. I shave my body then put my razor down resisting the urge to cut. I would have cut the only thing that stopped me was the fact that Demi is just next door. I turn off the taps then got out of the shower wrapping myself up with a towel. I walk into my closet which is attached to my bathroom and bedroom. Luckily the door to my bedroom is shut butI lock it just in case. I grab a my underwear, a random shirt, pyjama shorts and a hoodie. Then I go back into my bathroom wash my face and brush my teeth. After I'm finished I change and go back into my room. I see that Demi is in my bed and keeping up is on the tv screen on pause. I jump in the bed next to Demi and press play. I don't remember what the episode was cause as soon as it started I closed my eyes and fell back asleep.

A/N: New update,sorry it isn't very long I've had a lot to do this week so I haven't had time really. Next update will be longer and hopefully more eventful cause this was kinda boring in my opinion. But I hoped you like it either way! As always sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.Also thank you so much for 300 reads. It really seems crazy to me that people are reading. But either way I'm thankful that you are! If you enjoy this and want me to update more please vote&comment it means a lot. Next update Friday 17th.Hope you all have a lovely weekend. ~K💙

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