Hate me?

613 16 1


I wake up and look beside me to see kelci still fast asleep. I grab my phone&check the time. It's only 10:30, I'm not going to let her sleep a little more. After yesterday she must be exhausted.

I get out of the bed as quietly I can, trying my best not to wake up kelci. I succeed then I make my way out of her room.

Once I reach the bottom of the stairs I'm met by the sound of conversation. Which means 1 of 2 things either Dallas is going crazy or my parents&maddie are home. I'm gonna go with the second option.

Just as I thought everyone was home. I walk into the kitchen greeting everyone as I do. Dad is standing over the stove making breakfast& Mom,Dallas,Maddie are sat at the island talking. I walk over the island and join them.

"Hey,how'd you sleep?"mom asks as I take a seat with them

"I slept good yeah, how was dinner yesterday?" I ask mom

"Oh it was good,just annoying that we couldn't get home!" Mom says, I nod my head agreeing with her

We just all make small talk until dad yells breakfast is ready!

"Is kelci Awake yet??" Dad asks as he is dishing out the food.

"No she isn't not yet, let's let her sleep though. We didn't get to bed till late so she is super tired" I tell him

"Oh yeah actually, that reminds me why did you guys leave you sister home alone last night? You know I hate it when you do that!" Mom asks,oh shit we are screwed. I look to Dallas,and nod for her to answer

"Oh yeah that,we are sorry. It's just that kelci got her period so we just quickly ran to the store" Dallas tells mom,she seems convinced

"Okay well I guess that's okay& at least now we know she is still getting her period which is great!" Mom says smiling, I shoot daggers at Dallas. What have we done? If kelci isn't getting her period we are in trouble

"Okay okay enough of the period talk,let's eat" dad says


I woke up around 10 minutes ago & I have yet to move. I don't want to move. I don't want to get up today because I know when I do Demi&Dallas will be ready&waiting. Wanting to talk.

I don't know how to tell them. I mean how do you tell your sisters that your mentally fucked? I don't have a clue.

I guess I'll just have to come straight out and say it. There is no point hiding it anymore they know something is up. Even if they weren't onto me it would all come out soon anyways because I can't keep the secret any longer. I need to tell someone because if I don't, I'll go too far one night& I don't want that. As hard as it is to admit. I need help.

"Oh Your Awake finally,goodmoring" Dallas says, walking into my room with demi behind her. I guess they thought I'd be still sleeping.

"What's wrong babygirl? Why are you crying?" Demi asks walking further into my room&sitting next to me

"I'm not" I reply then I wipe my eyes and realise I actually am. How didn't I realise I was crying? Demi shoots me a sad smile.

"Oh"I say

"So we need to talk and this time you can run away okay? You need to let us in,we are here for you if you will let us. Don't worry about mom,dad&maddie for now. It's just us home, they have gone out. Tell us what's wrong we are so worried babygirl!" Demi says,her voice cracking all the way through I can tell she's going to cry

"You can trust us, tell us everything. We are here to help!" Dallas says, urging me to speak

"You'll hate me"I simply say,before bursting into tears.

"We could never!"demi says as she pulls me into her lap trying to calm me down

A/N: ahh finally an update,I'm sorry it took so long I just had so many problems whilst writing it. Sorry it's kinda short next one will be really long though&sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes

Oh my gosh Thankyou for 3k reads, it's actually well over 3k now but Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou. I never thought any would actually read my writing and the fact that people do makes me very happy!!

The next update will be very soon as this was soo late, but like&comment-K💙

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