In Trouble?

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Right now Im finishing up dinner. Maddie is at a friends house, Kelci is at dance,Demi& Dallas are watching tv. I was just putting the dinner in the oven when I heard the landline ringing. I grabbed it off the side and looked at the number. I knew this number all to well,it was school. I quickly answered.

"Hello Is this Mrs delagarza speaking?" The lady on the other end of the phone asked

"It is yes"I said

"Okay hello Mrs delagarza I'm Mrs Dunn. I teach kelci for music, I just wanted to call to inform you that her grade in my class is dropping. Lately she really doesn't seem to care. Today in class she was extremely rude to me and a student when I asked her to sing. She ended up walking out of the lesson and not coming back. As a result to her actions she will have a detention tomorrow after school" she told me. I can't believe it, yet another phone call from school about kelci it's getting beyond the joke now

"I will talk to her as soon as she gets home and make sure that it won't happen again,I'm so sorry. As for the detention I think that it is only right she be punished for her actions. But is there anyway that it can be a lunchtime detention or a detention next week, she has a dance competition this week and she can't really miss rehearsals" I ask

"Yes we can change the detention to a lunch detention for tomorrow that should be fine" She tells me. I know kelci isn't going to happy but there is nothing I can do about it

"Okay thank you and sorry again" I say.

"It's fine, I know what teens are like. I will call you back if there is any changes in the detention goodbye Mrs delagarza hope you have a lovely evening" she says. I'm hoping this will be the last time I'll be hearing from that school but I've got a feeling it won't be

"Bye and you too"I said then hung up the call.

As I hung up Demi and Dallas walked in a took a seat at the island

"Who was that on the phone?" Demi asks

"School" I say

"Again?" Dallas asks, I just nod in response whilst putting the dinner in the oven. "Let me guess kelci?" She continues

"Yes kelci again, I don't know what I'm gonna do. She just doesn't seem to be able to behave" I say getting frustrated

"What did she do this time?"Dallas asks

"She was rude to the teacher when she asks her to sing or something then she walked out" I say taking a sip of my water

"She can't just keep walking out of her lesson when something doesn't go her way. If she keeps going on like this she will end up being kicked out of school" Dallas says, and I totally agree with everything she is saying

"I know that, but I just wish kelci did. In the end it her who has to change we can't do it for her. Her grade has already dropped in music I don't want any more to drop" I tell them

"Well you will have to hear what Kelci says because at the end of the day there are two sides to every story" Demi says I nod in agreement

I just got finished with dance now I'm just stood outside the studio waiting to be picked up. Dance was good. At the start I was a little anxious still but by the end I was fine. I dunno why I just feel best when I'm dancing. I dunno who is pick,g me up all I know is that it is freezing cold out tonight and I didn't bring a coat.

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