Sammy boy?

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Kelci: Hey can we talk? I miss you💗

Sam: Yeah but not over text. Can you meet me later? I miss you too💗

Kelci: I'll ask Demi. We are out rn so idk what time we will be back but I message if I can! x

Sam: Okay sounds good xxx


"Um how long are we gonna be out for?" I hesitantly ask Demi, as we are pulling up to school

"I'm not to sure yet, we are gonna go grab a quick bite to eat then go shopping" Demi replies

"We're going for food already?" I ask Demi

"Yeah, I'm sure Maddie will be hungry" she replies, I sigh just thinking of the thought of having to eat again. I don't know why but it's so much work just to eat

"I don't have to eat do I?" I ask

"You don't have to eat a lot but you have to eat at least something"

"I just ate Demi no I can't eat anymore already" I say tearing up

"Shh it's okay. You don't have to eat now then okay but you have to promise that you will when you get home" Demi says wiping away my tears that run down my face

"Okay I promise" I don't know why I promised because I don't know if I'm gonna be able to

It turns out that Maddie did in fact want food so we ended up at KFC were we are now. I'm sat down at the table whilst Maddie & Demi are queuing for there food.

The longer I sit here to more anxious I am getting and I have honestly no clue why I'm anxious I just am. I fucking hate anxiety so much.

Eventually Demi & Maddie join me back at the table with their food. Demi got me a Pepsi which I thanked her for but i can't drink it. I only drink water now. I'm always eating so I need to cut down on the fizzy drinks.

Looking around at everyone eating there food makes me want to gag. I'm struggling so much to just sit here and I'm not even the one eating that's how pathetic I am. I know that if I sit here any longer I'm gonna end up throwing up, and it won't be forced. I need to get out of here.

"Can I go wait in the car please?" I ask Demi

"Why are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine I just wanna go to the car that's all" I say whilst faking a smile which I think Demi saw through.

"Yeah okay, we won't be long" Demi says handing me the keys

I couldn't get out of there quick enough I was practically running. Once I was in the parking lot I stopped and started to walk. Thank god demi didn't question me more I don't think I would have been able to handle that a second longer. Once I get to the car I snuggle up in the front seat and closed my eyes.

"Oyy wake up we are at the mall kel" Demi shouts loudly waking me up

"Fuck off im tired" I shout back at her

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