I miss him

716 16 1

(Trigger warning)

We got home a couple hours ago. Kelci & I slept the whole way. I kinda feel bad for mom because we were supposed to go half's on the driving but she ended up driving to whole way. I'm glad Kelci slept the whole drive, I know how bad the pains can be.

Kelci is still upstairs sleeping I think at least she was the last time I went to check on her which was about 15 minutes ago. Mom is also having a nap she fell asleep on the couch whilst we were watching criminal minds. I can't blame her though that drive would have tired me out just as much.

I don't know what we are doing today, it's still early In the day really. Its just gone 2:15. Which reminds me I better pick Maddie up from school because I don't think mom is up for anymore driving today.

I might take Maddie & Kelci out for the day today. Maybe a bit of shopping then the movies. I just want to spend time with my little sisters whilst they are still young (ish) and want to do things with me because I know soon enough they won't want much to do with me they will be to cool to spend time with their 'boring' older sister. It would be great if it could be all the sisters but I know Dallas won't be able to make it, she's working today. Hopefully the girls want to go out I don't think it will take much convincing at all to get Maddie to come but Kelci could be another story. Wish me luck

I'll watch the end of this episode then I better go get ready. I'm pretty sure that Maddie gets out at 3:30 this afternoon. I have nearly finished watching this episode but I can hear footsteps heading down the stairs. I'm guessing Kelci is awake I pause the episode then walk into the kitchen to find her grabbing a water from the fridge. She doesn't see me at first but as I start to approach her she notices me, smiles then goes to sit at the island.

"Afternoon sleepy head, you want some food?" I ask already knowing the answer but I ask anyways

"Nah I'm good thanks" she replies just as I thought.

"That's the wrong answer!" I tell her walking over to the fridge picking out a yogurt placing it in front of her with a spoon.

"I'm no hungry Demi" she demands pushing away the yogurt

"That's a lie" I state pushing it back to her

"No I'm really not hungry"

"You need to eat"

"I eat this morning"

"Yes Kelci I know you did and that's great but to be healthy you have to eat more. It's just a yogurt it's not unhealthy at all you can eat it"

"Not hungry" she replies once again, I feel like there is more to this than usual. It has been a struggle to get her to eat but never this much

"Is there something else you aren't telling us?" I ask

"No! I'm just not hungry why can't you just listen to me and stop trying to force me into things I don't want to fucking do. Jesus leave me the fuck alone!" Kelci shouts storming off back upstairs I'll be surprised if that hasn't woken up mom.

I'll go up in a few minutes.I'll give her a little while to calm herself down first. I put the yogurt back into the fridge then continue the episode i was watching before going upstairs to see kelci.

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