Is it that?

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The doctors appointment went okay I guess? I really don't know honestly. I got put on medication which I'm really not looking forward to. I feel fine, I am fine I don't need some stupid medication. I'm not crazy. Then of course to top it all off they had to take my weight. Like why? I really dislike myself and one of my biggest insecurities is my weight. I don't like anyone knowing it. Especially not some random doctor. It's embarrassing . But I'm apparently 'underweight' as Doctor J says. I don't believe it though because I know I can always be skinnier.This whole situation is just dumb in all honesty.We are on the way home now, we're basically at the house. The whole way home mom &I I haven't said a word to each other. I haven't spoke because I feel so nervous and I am not sure why. I've been nervous all day but that was because of the doctors appointment but now it's over so I don't really get why I'm still feeling it. I don't know why mom hasn't spoke to me usually she never stops talking. Usually I would be happy at the fact that she isn't talking the whole car ride but this time it feels different. When she Doesn't talk she usually has a reason for it but she was fine before we went to the appointment so i don't know what has changed. Let's be real I've Proberly done something and she isn't talking because she is mad. I don't know it's just a theory.


We got home like an hour ago and as soon as we did I came up to my room and changed into comfy clothes. Which consisted joggers and a shirt that's way to big for me.It's a look trust. Mom didn't say anything to me and still hasn't. We have been the only ones home for the past hour but someone just got home. I don't know who it was because I haven't been down because 1) I'm hella lazy and 2)I really don't care. It's not late at all but all I want to do right now is sleep. Not because I'm tired  just because I feel like when mom finally decides to talk to me it's Proberly not gonna be pretty and honestly I can't be bothered with it tonight. So goodnight.


"Hey mom" I hear demi say as her Dallas&maddie walk into the kitchen. The pull me out of my thoughts that I didn't even realise I was in.

"Hi girls" I say I can feel my voice cracking a little. Demi& Dallas caught on immediately as to what was happening and sent Maddie upstairs. I was thankful for that. She is old enough now to understand what I'm going to talk to Demi & Dallas about but I just don't want her worrying right now because I don't even know if it's true yet.

"What's up? Why have you been crying?" Dallas asks, I can see concern growing in both there faces

"I wasn't crying. I was just a little upset" I tell them, I was crying but I don't want to worry them too much.

"Why what's happened?" Demi aks

"Come on" I say walking into the living room ushering for them to follow me. We sat down on the couches and i started to think of how to tell them.

"Well?" Dallas asks growing impatient. I'm just gonna tell them,because at least then they can help me talk to her.

"Okay so we went to Kel's doctors appointment and it all went fine. She got put on medication and that was it I thought. But then at the end of the appointment doctor J needed to take her height and weight for her charts because it hadn't been taken this year. She took her weight and she only weighs 75 pounds" I hear demi&dallas both gasp. We sit in silence for a couple minutes. I know they needed time to process it much like I did. Dallas was first to speak up.

"75 pounds? That is way to underweight for her age I'm sure. She should weigh at least 100 pounds" Dallas says

"Do you think. You know. She has?" Demi says struggling to form a proper sentence

"I don't know, I really hope not. I'm hoping this is all just a misunderstanding and that we are wrong." I say starting to tear up.

The one thing I hate the most in life is seeing my kids struggle. I really do hope it's not what I think it is. I've been through it before with Demi and I know if it is true we would get through it together. But I just don't want this to happen again. My girls are so beautiful and perfect the way they are and it pains me to think that they don't see themselves as I do. Right now I'm just really hoping my instincts are wrong. I don't know how I'm gonna talk to kelci but it needs to happen and soon!

A/N: Ahhhh I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating! Ik I said I was gonna but I had a lot happening but it's all sorted out now. So I'm gonna be updating more regularly. I'm not gonna set a day to post just because I don't want to say a day if I can't stick to it every week but I promise the updates will be a lot more regular! I'm abit late but Thankyou so so much for 400 reads that's so crazy to me like whatt? This update is short and I'm sorry others will be hopefully longer I just wanted to post something at least. Comment&Vote please it really does mean a lot.Sorry for any mistakes. Hah I'm tierd.

Also if you read this far,comment What your fave demi song is?
I'm just really interested to know-K💙

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