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(Trigger warning)

I wake up to see mom & demi gone. Where have they gone? I look over at the nightstand to try and see the time. But there is no clock. What the heck! This is why I need my phone.

I get out of bed and open the curtains to see it's light out but the sun is not fully risen yet. So I'm guessing it's about 6/7 am. I'm not gonna just sit and wait for them to get back I'm going back to sleep. I jump back into bed and soon fall asleep again.

Once again I wake up but this time I'm woken by someone shaking me. I open my eyes slightly to see it's demi shaking me. I close my eyes again and roll the other way.

"Time to get up! It's 8:00 we have to leave by 9:30"Demi says

"Then wake me up before we leave, I'm tired"I moan turning away from Demi once again

"No up now. We didn't eat last night before bed. Mom&i already eat breakfast. You need to eat some breakfast"Demi says, food! Great I don't reply I just pretend I have fallen back asleep.

Then suddenly the blankets are pulled off of me. I immediately curl into a ball it's freezing in this room. What the heck is she doing? Mom walks over and places a dish infront of me. I'm guessing it's food but I don't want to look so I don't.

"Please try and eat baby. We know it will be hard but let's start easy okay? It's just some cut up apples,bananas and strawberries" mom says taking a seat next to me on the bed

"I'm not hungry!" I state. Really I am but I can't eat. I'm terrified I can't do this.

They don't say anything to me instead they start whispering things to each other. Then mom walks grabs her keys&bag and walks out of the room. Did I do something wrong?

"Where did mom go?" I ask Demi sitting up a little. Demi comes to sit next to and puts her arm around me

"She's gone to wait in the car"Demi states. I must have done something wrong if she can't even stand to be in the same room as me.

"Why? Is she mad at me?"I ask Demi, she then starts to shake her head no. I'm so confused

"No she isn't mad at you. Why would you think that?" Demi asks, I just shrug me shoulders in response.   "Look Kelci mom isn't mad at you okay? She just went to sit in the car because she thought it might be easier for you if we weren't both sat watching you eat" Demi says, before putting the bowl of fruits in my lap. I take one look at it shake my head then hand it back to her. But she didn't take it she keeps putting it back into my lap

"No Demi. Stop please I can't eat it"I tell Demi tearing up a little but I quickly turn away so Demi doesn't see

"Yes you can, you just have to believe you can. I don't expect you to eat it all. Just eat what you can. I know it's hard but I'm here and I always will be your never gonna have to go trough this alone. Now come on just try a strawberry they were always your favourite!" Demi says.

I love her but I still don't think I can do this. It's all to hard it's much easier not to eat than to down anyone but I know I won't be able to do this all the time. If I eat this then they will back off and I can go back to not eating right?

I pick up a strawberry and just stare at it before quickly throwing it back into the bowl. Demi starts pointing to the fruit so I do it. I pick up another strawberry a hesitantly put it into my mouth then eventually I start to chew. Once I have swallowed it I look up at Demi to see her smiling ear to ear. Why is she smiling I only eat a strawberry?

"Well done baby girl. It may have only been a strawberry but that's progress. I'm so proud of you! Now come on try and eat a little more" Demi tells me, Indicating to the bowl once again

45 minutes of my picking at the fruit I'm done. In the end I eat maybe like a quarter of the bowl but the bowl was huge. Demi was extremely happy and so was mom when she told her. But I feel terrible. I need to get this food out of me but I know I'm not going to be able to. We are in the car and I'm guessing we have at least a 3 hour drive but then it will be too late for me to do anything.

Mom&Demi are again listening to the radio at a extremely loud volume. But I don't complain because I'm not in the mood for an argument I just want this day to be over.

20 minutes into the car ride my stomach starts to hurt. At first it wasn't bad but know it's hurting so bad. I haven't told mom or Demi because I don't want to be a bother I'm proberly just being a wimp. After another 5 minutes of excruciating stomach pain I can't take it any longer I curl into a ball and start to cry. I don't want them to see me like this but I can't help it.

"Kelci what's wrong are you okay?" Mom asks, I don't reply

"Mom drive slowly and move into that lane I'm gonna get into the back quickly"Demi says and that's what she does seconds later she is sat in the back with me. She pulls me into her lap and try's to calm me down.

"Shh it's okay. It's okay. Is it your stomach that hurting?" Demi asks I just nod my head in response before pulling my legs into my chest again trying to numb the pain.

"Here take this" Demi says giving me an Advil with some water. I happily take the medication just wanting the pain to go away. I try to get out of Demi's lap but she pulls me back into her lap and pulls me closer. I'm not gonna lie it feels nice being comforted but I know that I cannot get used to this. But for now it's okay so I snuggle into her embrace closing my eyes trying to fall asleep.

A/N: I was meant to update this like 2 days ago but I forgot to post it so I'm posting it now. Like always sorry for any mistakes at all. Also again Thankyou for 900+ reads. It's getting so close to a 1000 reads and I'm so happy that people actually like this. Comment&vote! Not to sure when the next update will be but it will be as soon as I can!-K💙

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