We need to talk...

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Mom, Dallas and I are still in the living room. Maddie has just gone out with a couple friends and kel is still upstairs sleeping. We are sat in silence. I think we are all thinking the same thing and that is 'does kelci have a eating disorder?'. I have to admit she has been acting a little weird since I've been back when it's comes to eating but I just put it down to dance. I never thought anything of it because I know for dance it is best to eat healthy I mean I thought it was a very strange that she refused to eat anything unless it was healthy but I never for one second thought it could be an eating disorder. One thing i never wanted was to see my little sisters struggle the way I did. I promised myself I would never let that happen and to think that maybe she has been struggling in silence just like I was for so long makes me sad. But right now we don't know what is happening we have to wait to hear it out of Kelci's mouth. I kinda want to ask her about it alone. Just me and her then hopefully she will find it easier to open up about it.

"So what are we gonna do?" I say breaking the silence

"Well we really do need to find out sooner rather than later, so something really does need to be done today"Mom says

"Yeah I agree. I was thinking maybe I could take her somewhere and I could ask her about it. I think it would be easier if it was just one of us so she didn't feel cornered" I tell Dallas and mom. They both nod agreeing

"I think that it's a good idea Demi as long as you are comforable taking to her about it you don't want to put you recovery in jeopardy"

"Mom honestly it's fine I wouldn't have suggested it in the first place if I didn't feel ready. I want to be the one to talk to her about it"

"Okay that's fine then. Thankyou for doing this I don't know if I would be able to"

"It's fine mom. She's my little sister I wanna do anything if can to help. I will take her to a park or something somewhere quiet where it doesn't have a lot of people. I'll let her sleep for now though" I say mom nods agreeing


I wake up to demi shaking me awake pulling the covers off of me. I roll the other way closing my eyes once again. I just want to sleep but no I can't even do that without being interrupted.

"Come on kel get up. You have been asleep nearly 2 hours now it's time to wake up" demi says

"Nooo go away let me sleep. I'm tired" I reply shoving her away

"Get up and get dressed we are going out. We are leaving in 15 minutes so I suggest you get ready unless you wanna go in your pyjamas"

"Go where? It's like 8pm at night!"

"Somewhere now get ready" demi says walking out of my room shutting the door behind her

I'm really confused why are we going out and why at 8pm. Like wtf she just woke me up so we could 'go out'.

After trying to think of reasons why we would be going out I give up. People are probelry wondering why I so am confused. The thing is normally I don't go anywhere with Demi. Unless it's like running errands so it's weird that we are now going somewhere and especially at 8pm like surely we could have done this some other time. I decide to get up and ready. I throw my hair up into a ponytail then change into black jeans and a random sweater.

I then grab my phone and walk downstairs then into the living room. I see Demi but nobody else is here. Now I'm really confused like where is everyone usually the whole family is back by 7 but today the house is deserted except for Demi & I.

"Ahh your finally ready come on baby girl" Demi says grabbing my hand leading me out to the car. We get in the car then I look over to Demi

"What are we doing? Why are we going somewhere?" I question

"We are just gonna go and talk"Demi says so casually

At the word talk I feel myself tense up. Talk? Talk about what I think. Then I remember today. The doctors appointment. My weight. Oh no. Please no. This can't be happening.

"Kelci,Kelci" Demi says pulling me back to reality."Kelci calm down everything is okay we are just gonna talk"

I nod forcing out a smile acting like I'm totally cool with the idea. I don't know who I am trying to convince with this smile myself? Or Demi? I really don't know

Demi starts the car and makes her way down the driveway. Soon enough we are on our way to wherever the fuck she is taking me. Right now I literally just want to jump out of this car and run to anywhere but here.

We sat in silence the whole car ride. I'm guessing we are at our destination I really don't know Demi has just stopped the car at some random looking forest? I honestly haven't a clue but its pretty scary looking as it like literally pitched black.

"Come on we have to walk the rest of the way?" Demi tells me, I grab my phone and start to get out of the car but Demi stops me

"Leave your phone here" Demi says

"What,why?" I ask

"Because I said so that's why" Demi says taking my phone and putting it in the glove department

"Whatever" I say, god she can be annoying

I start to follow Demi down this sketchy as fuck trail and we end up at a park kinda thing. It's basically an area of grass with benches and lights so I don't really know if you can call it a park but yeah

Demi walked over to one of the benches and sat down. I guess that she wants me to join her so I take a seat in front of her

"You okay? You seem really tense. You don't need to be scared Kel we are just talking" Demi tells me holding my hand over the table. Now I know something is up. She trying to calm me down but it's making me feel worse in reality

"I'm fine" I say forcing yet another smile, but the way Demi looked at me made me feel like she knew it wasn't a genuine smile and that scared me.

"Kel.. we need to talk"

A/N: Sorry this is late it was supposed to go up a couple days ago but I was having trouble with my internet. Also so for any spelling/grammar mistakes.Thankyou so much for 500+ views it really does mean a lot. Next update will be soon!! Comment&vote -K💙

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