I'm nothing..

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I wake up with a huge headache at first I'm confused then everything comes right back to me. This headache is most likely from all the crying I did last night. Usually I would get up and go get some medication but I can't stand the thought of facing everyone. I know at some point today I will have to face them but I'd like it to be later rather than sooner.

I grab my phone and see the time is 10:07am so I'm guessing everyone is already up and awake. I don't really understand why nobody woke me up for school but I'm not gonna argue about it. I hate school. I go on to insta and scroll through my feed liking&commenting on a few of my friends posts. Then I go into Snapchat and send out my streaks and reply to messages

Suddenly I hear feet approaching my door I quickly lock my phone and put it back on my nightstand then I get back under the covers and pretend to be asleep. Whoever it is walks through my door and comes to sit on my bed. I don't move I hope they will get the idea that I'm sleeping and leave but no they just sit. Then they start to pull the covers off me.

"Come on Kel up I know you aren't sleeping" demi says trying to pry to covers away from me

"Go away I'm tired" I groan getting comfortable again

"Come on we gotta talk. You can sleep later"Demi says eventaully pulling away my blankets and throwing them on the floor were I can't reach them. I sit up in my bed and look at her

"I don't want to talk, please leave I just want to sleep"

"You've gotta talk come on. It won't be bad everything's going to be okay we just need to sort some things out. Come on the quicker we do it the sooner it will be over"


Demi didn't say anything instead she grabbed my hand and started dragging me downstairs. I couldn't do anything to stop it she way more stronger than me. Once we get to the living room door I try my hardest to pull back, demi struggles for a second but still manages to pull me inside and on to the couch.

I look up to see mom,Eddie,Dallas and obviously demi sat facing me. I awkwardly look away and start to stare at the wall. This is one of the most awkward moments of my life. All I want to do is get up and run away but I know that it won't do anything. So i sit  staring at the wall whilst they are all staring at me. The worst part is nobody is saying anything. I can't sit here much longer if it's gonna be so quiet and awkward. I'm with my family i shouldn't feel so uncomfortable but I do and I don't know why.

"Can I just leave? Because this is weird and I don't like it" I state looking at everyone. They all snap out of there trance and look at me right in the eyes before they all say no at the same time. I roll my eyes and go back to looking at the wall. I wish I had picked a different wall to stare at because this wall is very plain it's got nothing on it.

"Why didn't you tell us Kelci?" Mom asks. Her voice breaking I know she's about to cry. I want to answer but I can't. So instead I just shrug my shoulders

I start to think about everything all the reasons why I didn't speak up. But  none of the reasons are rational enough to tell them they would just think I was crazy. I don't want to be doing this. I wish I could go back to yesterday before they knew and change everything so I wouldn't have to be doing this.

The next thing I know someone is putting there arms around me pulling me into there side. I look up to see myself in Demi's arms. What the hell just happened.

"You okay? You spaced out" Demi says looking at me in the eyes

"Sorry" I say looking away from her

"Don't apologise it's okay" Demi says I don't say anything in response I just sit there for a moment

I get out of Demi's arms and start to head out the door before I get stopped by someone calling my name and grabbing my hand.

"Kelci, where are you going? Sit down we just want to talk" Mom says. I look at her and I can see that she has been crying. Her eyes are puffy and red. Why was she crying? I'm nothing. She shouldn't cry over me

"No I can't do this" I say pulling my hand away and running up the stairs to my room. Once I reach my room jump on to my bed and breakdown. I cry like I have never cried before. Quickly my breathing becomes uneven and I feel myself struggling to breath.

The last thing I remember was my sisters & mom bursting through the door.

A/N: Sorry this is kinda short! There will be a new update hopefully in the next couple days. Also sorry for any mistakes :/ Comment if you guys have any ideas on what I should do next. Thankyou for 700+ reads!!!!! -K💙

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