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"You don't look fine to us, not at all. We know your struggling with eating but it's something more than that. We were talking about it just last night. You've been so distant. It's scary, we feel like there is something else you aren't telling us. We only want to help, so if there is other stuff you need to tell us. We won't be mad, we will be here, all of us, always"Demi says, oh my god no! This can't be happening

"I.uh.i gotta go, Byee" I say to demi&dallas beforing quickly grabbing my phone&Shoes then running out of the house.

Once I'm out of the yard, I just continue running. I don't know where I'm going to end up but I just need to get away. I can't have them know. I need to keep it a secret. It's all that helps, if they find out they will make me stop that can't happen.

I have been running for around 2hrs now and I'm done. I'm beyond tired, I can't run any further even though I want to my body won't let me.

I don't have a clue where I am honestly. Usually I would be scared if I was lost but today I'm not. I don't know why I just aren't. I don't seem to care anymore about anything.

I keep slowly walking until I find a bench in a park. I approach the bench and sit down. It feels amazing to sit down after being on my feet for so long.

I don't know what I'm gonna do. I don't think I can go home. All I know is that I've fucked up bigtime.

It's still light out but it's getting dark fast. What even time is it? I thought it was still so early!?

I grab my phone from my pocket to quickly check my phone. As soon I look at lock screen I'm met with thousands on missed calls from my family&even more text messages.

I think about replying to them. Telling them that I'm okay&not to worry. But I don't I just leave it. It's better that way.

The time Is 5:06. Weird. I've been out a lot longer than I expected I thought it was like 3.

The longer I just sit here on this bench the more I'm getting scared. To start with I wasn't scared at all but it's getting dark now. Anything can happen in the dark, I shouldn't be out in the dark alone. Pray for me oh my lord.

It's 7pm now & it's pitched black. I'm still sat on the bench and I don't intend moving. There is nowhere to go. I didn't bring any money so I can't pay for a hotel & I have no friends in this area wherever I am that is.

People keep staring at me as they walk past. The more people walking past me the more nervous I'm getting. I know they are proberly only wondering what the heck I'm doing sat here but still.

At the end of the park path I can see a group of boys. I don't know why but I always get nervous when I see a big group of boys. Whatever I just need to stop worrying they are just hanging out. It's fine, I'm fine.

One minute they where down the path just standing and now they are all walking towards me. Oh my god! I need to stay calm, they are just passing by.

I thought they would just carry on walking but they don't they all abruptly stop in front of me. Oh no

"Hey baby, what you doing?" The guy in the front asks.

I look at them so I can see their faces. Their are 6 of them,all boys. They look around 17 to me but I don't know I could be wrong,they are all wearing track suits. All I know is I need to get away now.

"Uh I'm just leaving, goodbye!" I say before quickly standing up and walking away but I get stopped by a hand pulling me back.

"Oh you don't want to leave. Stay with us where gonna have some fun" the same guy says, the other 5 just laugh

"Let go of me, I need to leave" I shout,starting to panic

"Calm down&shut up slut" he screams into my face.

I need to run. I I don't know what to do so I just kick him in the balls & run the other way. I keep running until I find a hedge & I hide behind it. I slowly try to calm my breathing down.

Eventually I do but I'm still shaken up what just happened? If I hadn't of run they could have done anything to me. I need to move fast incase the come looking for me.

I want to go home..


Kelci: I'm sorry, will you please pick me up! I'm scared dally.


A/N: wowowow, ahhh I hate how jumpy this is. But I just didn't know what else to write. I'm lacking in ideas right now & I don't know how I want this story to go anymore. So if you could please comment some ideas of what you would like to see happen-K💙

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