Can't do it.

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"Kel we need to talk..." Demi says. fuckk what does she want to talk about

"About?" I ask, try to act as calm as possible even though in reality I'm about to have a panic attack

"Today at the doctors, Dr.J said that your weight was only 75 pounds. Kel that's really low for your age like seriously low. Mom,Dallas and I are really concerned."Demi says, I knew it. This can't be happening. I don't know what to say so I just do what feels most comfortable. Lie.

"Well don't be it's nothing" I say

"It isn't nothing at all kel, you are 15 and your weight is the average weight of a 12 year old" Demi tells me, I just shrug not knowing what to say

"Kel if there is anything going on you can tell me. You can tell me anything at all.I won't be mad neither will anyone else you just need to tell us so that we can help. Please kel"

"There is nothing to tell. I'm fine don't worry"

"Okay well if you say so I believe you"Demi says but I'm not convinced that she really does. I'm sure she is up to something

"Okay" I say

"Anyways it's getting late so we better get dinner on the way home because I'm sure everyone has already eaten. We will just stop in at Mcdonolds is that okay?" Demi asks. Told you she was up to something she wants me to crack but it's not gonna happen. I smile and nod in reply then we set of back to the car,


I didn't want to do this. I had hoped that she would just open up and tell me. Kel isn't budging though she is not giving me anything at all she's just denying that anything is wrong. So we are going to go to mcdonolds for dinner tonight. If she won't tell me I will see for myself. I know this is a horrible thing to do but I can't do much more because she won't talk. If she doesn't show any signs of struggling whilst we are eating I will step back a little and trust that she is okay.

*Time skip*

We have just sat down at a table and I can already see that something is up. She's playing with her hands and trying to avoid looking at me as best she can.

"Okay so I'll go order. I'm gonna get a Mc chicken sandwich meal, what do you want?"

"Uhhh. I dunno I don't go to mcdonolds" she replies still not looking at me

"Okay well I will just get you a quarter pounder meal I'm sure you'll like that"


I ordered both our meals and went back to sitting at the table. The women said she would bring the meals over as they would be awhile. I got back to the table and Kelci was just staring out of the window

"Hey I'm back, you okay?"

"Yes, why?"Kelci snaps back

"No need for the attitude Kelci I was only asking if you were okay"

"Well don't"She says Coldly. I don't say anything back I don't want to tick her off anymore than I aparently already have

"Mc chicken & quarter pounder meals" a women shouts. I put my hand up signally to her that it was our food. She walks over and places out food down. "Sorry for the wait, enjoy!" I thank her then she walks away

I start eating and Kelci does the same well kinda she is just nibbling on a chip. I don't say anything I just watch as she nibbles at her food. Then suddenly she starts to cry and starts running for the door. I grab my bag and chase after her. I find her sat on a bench over the road. She looks to be struggling to breath. I already know that she is having a panic attack. Tell me now why would someone have a panic attack over eating for unless they were struggling?

"Hey hey hey. Kel calm down it's okay your okay breathe. Follow my breathing I say" Pulling her into my side trying to calm her breathing down. After a while her breathing slowly steadys out.

"What happend,why did you run off crying?" Off course I knew why but I needed to hear it from her first

"I..I dunno"

"I think we both know that that's a lie. What happend you can tell me?"

"I can't do it"

"Do what Kel?"

"Eat" Kelci said bursting into tears once again

"Ohh Kelci it's okay. Shh. We will help you.Your okay. Do you want to go home now?" All she did was nod, so that's what we did we set off home

Right now I'm in shock. As much as I thought it was an eating disorder every part of me hoped it wasn't. I hoped that my little sister wasn't going through what I had went through because I know just how terrible it is. I'm gonna leave her for tonight she been through enough. I'll talk to the family then we will talk to her tomorrow

A/N: Sorry this is kinda short but I wanted to update again also sorry for any mistakes. Hope you like this update. Thankyou so much for 600+ reads!! I'm going update again as soon as possible. Leave suggestions of what you want to see happen&vote! -K💙

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