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I'm waiting outside Kelcis dance studio right now and have been for the last 15 minutes. It's 9:05 she was supposed to be finished at 8:50 so I guess she's being held back?

Instead of just sitting her clueless for any longer I'm just gonna go inside and ask what's happening. I walk through the doors to be met with a fimilar face, one of her dance teachers Sarah.


"Demi hi! It's been so long since I've seen you"

"Yeah I know It feels like forever since I was home last but I'm visiting for awhile"

"We should go grab coffee some time. You looking for Kelci?"

"Definitely and yes do you know what time she is being dismissed?"

"One second I will just see" She says as she starts clicking away at the computer.

"It doesn't say. She has duet rehearsals with Sam in studio C, go through and see if you want"

"Okay I will thank you!"

With that I start to head towards studio C, it's been a long time since I was here last but I can still manage my way around. As I reach the studio I knock on the door before peaking my head inside. Alison quickly ushers me towards her.

"Hey,sorry for interrupting! Im just wondering what time rehearsals are over" I apologise as I make my way into the studio and walk towards Alison who is another one of Kelci's teachers.

"It's fine don't worry about it. I just want to run the duet a few more times and then she's good to go. Stay and watch if you like"

"Alright, thanks!"

"Okay, get up guys!" She shouts at Kelcis & Sam who are both currently sat on the floor stretching, I think?

"My legs feel like they are literally about to fall off" Kelci whines

"That's not my fault! Get up just two more run throughs and then your done"

"Fine"Kelci moans once again but this time stands up.

"Actually while I remember why were you two ,Brooke and Amy late for ballet earlier?"

"Oh we were waiting for Kelci to get here so we could all walk to class together!" Sam smirks, waiting for Kelci? She was on time

"Kelci was here for 3:55, so what is the real reason for being late?" I chime in. Now intrigued about there reasoning for being late.

"Okay. The real reason is Kelci broke up with her boyfriend and she was upset. So we were just trying to cheer her up before class"He says. Boyfriend? What boyfriend?

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend" I question

"I don't, stop lying Sam. We don't have a reason to being late. We were just in the dancers den talking and lost track of time" Kelci says before whacking Sam on the arm

"Okay but don't let it happen again. Now get to dancing so we can all leave!"

The music turns on and they start to dance. I just stand and watch in amazement! The last time I saw Kelci dance was at her dance recital when she was 7. She was a good little dancer yeah but this is a different person. She's amazing, I had no clue she could dance like this.


We finish to see we got a good reaction from both Demi & Alison. We must have performed okay because they are both clapping and Alison rarely claps for us in rehearsal.

"That was great guys, so clean" Alison says

"So great that we don't have to do it again?"I question

"No I think your good. Remember I'm not here tomorrow so you will have Sarah. Unlike last time I want no messing around this time and if I hear otherwise I will not being happy! Comps are getting so close so now is not the time for it! Do you understand?"

"Yeah but I don't know what your talking about I'm a angel! I'm always good it's him that isn't"

"Oh yeah sure it is Kelci! Goodnight guys, bye Demi it's good to see you again"Alison says becoming waving us all goodbye and walking out

"Wow Kelci! Your so good I didn't expect that, you were amazing too Sam!"Demi says, we both say a quick thanks

It goes silent and becomes a little awkward so I do a weird leg hold to try break it.

"You okay there?"Demi laughs

"Yes. Are we leaving?"

"Yeah lets go. Grab your things and I'll wait out in the car. Night Sam"Demi says before also walking out.

I quickly gather my things from the den before walking out with Sam. I start searching for Demi's car in the lot and offcourse its at the back. I give Sam a hug before walking to the car.

"What?" I ask when I get into the car referring to the huge smirk on Demi's face.

"Sam and Kelci sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G"

"What the fuck Demi! We are best friends that's all"

"Hmm. That's what they all say Kel, that what they all say!"

"Oh whatever. Where are we going?"

"To get some food"

"I know that dumbo but are we going to eat in or drive through?"

"I wanna eat in. That okay with you?"

"Yeah fine but I'll need your hoodie"

"Why do you need my hoodie?"

"Because I'm not going into public wearing a fucking leotard!"

"Okay,okay you can have it. I'll give you it when we get there. Any idea where you wanna eat?"Demi asks  as she starts to drive out of the lot

"Anywhere I'm not fussed. You choose"

"Taco Bell"Demi suggests

"Anywhere but Taco Bell!"

"What. What's wrong with Taco Bell?"

"Nothing but I don't like to eat junk food in the dance season"

"Okay well how about café Nero?"

"Yeah that's fine"

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