Tutor Me? Cielois (AloisxCiel boy x boy) Black Butler Fan Fic

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**this story needs editing- but it was written when I was young and I'm choosing to leave it as is; I have grown since this, I want to remember that**

"Does anyone know the answer?" Ms. Red asked. Much to her name she wore plenty of red, with red hair, clothes and makeup. Her eyes scanned the room before they fell on one.

Ciel raised his hand. Because, yet again, he was the only one to do so, the bluenette was called on. "Sixty-three protons." He answered.

"Correct." She said. She wrote it down on the board for everyone as the teen scribbled it onto his notes.

"Of course Ciel knows what the answer is, all he does is study!" Alois exclaimed, causing quiet laughter around the room.

Ciel rolled my eyes. "At least I study." He grumbled back to the blonde, though he was sure the boy barely heard.

"Quiet down, class." Ms. Red rolled her eyes at Ciel and Alois bickering once again. "For tonight's homework I'd like you to read pages 126 through 138." The bell rang. "You may leave." She said, just glad that the class had to leave.

The bluenette picked up his books and pencils before heading to his locker and cramming his things into his book bag. His head turned as he heard someone walk up to him. Even before he got a good look, he already knew who's heels were clicking against the tile floors.

"You really are a nerd, ya' know." Alois said in his regular somewhat giggly tone, holding his bag politely in front of him. He knew Ciel was never really offended by the term, so he felt no guilt in saying so.

Ciel rolled his eyes. "And you're a brat." He said, walking out of the school doors, just slightly annoyed when he heard hurried steps walking next to him.

"I am not!" He scoffed. "Listen," He said after a moment. "I know you're really good at this school shit and I need help in Algebra."

"And?" Ciel replied, only half paying attention as he scanned the lot for Sebastian's black car.

"Could you tutor me?" Alois asked. After Ciel failed to reply for hardly a moment, he started again. "Come on, Ciel. It's only a few weeks until mid-term. We live close and I'll be the one to go over to you're house. Please?" He begged.

Ciel turned toward him, looking at his blue eyes, slightly entranced by their light icy color. "Fine." He sighed.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Ciel!" Alois said quickly grinning widely. He hugged him, a little disappointed when he was almost immediately shoved off. "Shall we start tomorrow?"

"Sure." Ciel muttered. He mentally yelled at himself for getting himself into this mess. He didn't even like Trancy that much! "I have to go, Sebatian is here." He said quickly, jogging to the car and climbing in.

"Hello, Ciel." Sebatian said in his usual calm voice. "How's your friend?" He asked, making a gesture to Alois.

Ciel looked at him. Alois was rolling his eyes while talking on the phone. Knowing it was probably Claude, he dismissed it. "We're not really friends." He told him, looking away from the blonde haired boy. "But he will be coming over tomorrow for tutoring." He said as Sebastian pulled away from the school.

"Not friends, eh?" Sebastian smirked. "Tutoring sounds like a pretty friendly thing to do."

"Why is it that my parents insist you pick me up everyday?" He asked, rolling his eyes.

"Because they couldn't trust their dear Ciel around anyone except me." The man teased.

"Dear?" Ciel laughed, but there was no humor in it. "If I were so dear why do I spend everyday with you while their out doing other things? Like setting me up with girls and work." He seemed overlay annoyed. "It's like they're dead."

"Elizabeth isn't that bad." Sebatian said, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Isn't that bad?" Ciel laughed. "The last time she came over to our manor she nearly painted the whole thing pink, along with 'accidentally'," Ciel put air quotes around the word. "Putting a red shirt in the load of my whites."

"Okay, maybe she is pretty bad." He smiled.

"True that." I looked out the windows, watching the trees and other cars rush by.

"Did you just tell me to 'true that'?" Sebatian asked with a hint of a laugh behind his voice.

I felt my face heat up slightly. "I guess I did. Why, what's wrong with it?"

"I don't know of many people who tell their parent's assistant to 'true that'." He let some of the laugh escape.

"And I don't know many kids that are this close with their parent's assistant." Ciel shrugged.

"You're forgetting Alois." He smirked at me before turning back to the road.

Alois and his foster "father", Claude. A very close friendship.

Claude and Ciel were probably the closest to Alois, yet Ciel still wouldn't admit him that the boy was his friend. More of an acquaintance. But he was close enough to know he was a touchy-feely kinda person. Constantly touching you in some way from purposely bumping your arm to straight up hugs. Body to body. This stopped bothering the teen months ago.

Ciel felt his phone vibrate, looking at it he noticed it was from Elizabeth. "Great." He muttered, rolling my eyes. She'd invited herself over again. Elizabeth was probably one of the most annoying girls Ciel know. While most of her intentions were good, things always seemed to go wrong with her strong will for "cute".

"Well I hope you're ready to have your personal space invaded. Make sure everything is in check, Elizabeth is coming over."

"Yes, sir." Sebastian answered.

When Sebastian left to the dining room Ciel walked up the steps and went into his bedroom. He put down his things before standing out on the small terrace. Resting the palms of his hands on the railing, looked across his garden and the small wood-like area just outside of it. The trees were beginning to grow bare as it deepened into September.

There was a knock at the door. "The young lady is waiting for you in the dining room." Sebastian said before walking away to serve her tea before she could do anything.

"Thank you." Ciel called back. He heard him walk away. Letting out a small sigh, Ciel forced himself back down the stairs and to the girl he dreaded to see.

When he got into the dining room their was an immediate screech. "Ciiieeeellll!" Elizabeth called. She ran up and hugged on to him tightly. "Oh Ciel, I barely saw you today. Before I could get a word in before you walked off with the Trancy boy."

Ciel did his best to keep his voice normal despite his lack of air due to his lungs being crushed in a surprisingly tight hug. "Yes, Alois was looking for a tutor." He explained.

"You're actually going to do it?" She seemed confused. "You always complain about how he's an annoying brat. And frankly, I agree with you."

"Well, he's not that bad.." Ciel sighed. "He just needs some help."

"Just needs some help?" She laughed slightly. "I don't see why you feel the need."

"Lizzie, can I just ask you to go, please?"

"What?" She frowned.

"Leave. I'm tired and you should've asked before you decided to come here." Ciel said, slightly more blunt than he usually was.

She picked up her bag and left, huffing softly.

Ciel watched her go, feeling slightly guilty. Slightly.

"Not friends, eh?" Sebastian teased, leaning against the doorframe.

Ciel couldn't help but smile just slightly. "Oh, shut up."

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now