His Boyfriend, Jealous

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Warwick was----

Crap. I mean, Alois Trancy finally got to return to school, finally able to see his beautiful boyfriend again.

But what he wasn't prepared for was his boyfriend to be talking to a different blonde.

Carter Jones and Ciel Phantomhive were standing at their lockers talking as if nothing was wrong with that. Everything was wrong with that! Ciel giggled at something Carter had said, instantly driving Alois mad.

Ciel turned and looked at Alois. "Hey, love!" He said happily. "How are you feeling?" He pulled him close and kissed his cheek.

Carter smiled as if nothing was wrong but was inwardly raging. Of course he came back just when he was so close to getting Ciel all to himself.

Alois smiled a little. So he still cared for him, that's good. "A lot better now that I'm with you." He said in a flirtatious tone, hoping Carter would take a hint and leave.

He didn't.

Carter stayed and continued the conversation he'd been having with Ciel before, pretending Alois wasn't there. "Like I've said before, the book was amazing I just didn't care for the end."

Ciel nodded. "Yes, but the author is making a sequel, so he had to leave many questions unanswered-" he was cut off by the bell ringing. "You get it," he chuckled. "See you at lunch."

Carter smiled happily and left to go to class.

Alois glowered. "Why we're you two talking?" He asked immediately as the two walked to their class.

"Because we're friends." Ciel raised an eyebrow. "I'm allowed to have those right?"

Alois bit his lip. "Of course." He sighed as they went into class.


At lunch, Ciel and Carter were already talking. Alois sighed and took his place next to Ciel, feeling left out in thee conversation about Doctor Who.

Soon enough, lunch was over. Carter and Ciel parted, leaving Ciel with a pouting Alois.

Ciel looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "What's gotten you so upset?" He frowned a little and took his hand.

Alois sighed. "I'm jealous of how close you seem with Carter..." He admitted, blushing slightly.

Ciel smiled. "Alois you know I love you. Why are you jealous of Carter?"

"Because he's a cute gay blond guy!" Alois pouted again.

Ciel smiled and led him away from their classroom, seemingly heading for the gym.

"Where are you going? Class is back there..." Alois frowned a little as he pointed toward the classroom.

"I know where the classroom is. I also know where the bleachers are." He smirked. "That's our spot, and it'll always be our spot."

Alois smiled. "Forever?"



See? Carter didn't last long! He's gone... For now *evil laughter in distance*

Anywho I wrote this with my friends pestering me trying to get me to... You know what? There's a fun story we don't need to discuss. But if it's utterly crappy I apologize sincerely.

Until next time, my boo boos~

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now