His Tutor, Trying Out

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"So Ciel," I said to a certain bluenette. "Are trying out for the play?"

"Play?" He raised an eyebrow. "What play?"

I rolled my eyes. "So that's a no, we're doing 'The Little Mermaid'." I explained. I'm guessing you all know what The Little Mermaid is, but for the few who don't, it's about a mermaid who defies her father so she can be with "the love of her life" (who she hasn't even met) and she gets away with it, gaining legs in the end. Of course other things happened, like she made a deal with a sea witch who in the end was only out to get her.

"Well are you trying out?" He asked.

"Yes. And ya wanna know what? Imma make you try out with me!" I said proudly.

"No, no, no..." Ciel shook his head. "I have no desire to try out for a school play."

"You do now. They're after school and I already texted Sebastian and told him where you'd be." I smiled smugly at him.

"How did you get his number?" He furrowed his eyebrows. The same way he did the other day...

I blushed slightly at the thought of Ciel in that position. Maybe I'll get him that way another time? "Oh you know... Your phone was carelessly left out when I got the idea."

He smacked his forehead. "And who am I supposed to try out for?" He asked, half annoyed.

"That my friend, who I had sexual intercourse with, is up to you." I giggled.

He blushed and jabbed me in the ribs. "Must you speak like that in public?" He half-whispered.

I rubbed my now sore ribs. "What, don't want anyone to hear? In case you haven't noticed, girls literally have wanted us to be together for a long time. Including our principal, who is currently watching us as we speak."

Ciel turned around and saw a certain red headed principal. Upon seeing him, the man (or woman...? No one is really sure.) mouthed; "are you sore?"

I began laughing, earning another elbow to the ribs from an angry sapphire eyed beauty.

"I can't believe he just asked that!" He exclaimed, walking faster.

I kept up with him. "Well are you?" I teased.

"Oh shut up!"


"Okay everybody," Said Druitt, the chorus/drama teacher. "I'm glad to see everybody trying out today! I know you're all excited-" he was cut off by a series of groans. "And some are just here to skip a few classes. So let's get to work. First, I'll hand out the packets with all of the songs, let you learn them, sing together, and then, we'll have you try out!"

Ciel and I took our packets, me a little happier about doing so. We went through the songs when I realized something half way through. I've never heard Ciel sing. I've sure as hell asked him to, but he always claimed to be "tone deaf" and change the subject, so I just decided he wasn't that good, or something. But today would be my first day hearing him.

"Okay, now that we've learned the songs and I think most of you have it down, I'll have you sing for parts." Druitt decided. "We'll go in order. Katy, you're first."

Katy went up, sang, and sat back down, red faced. This continued with the rest of the group, until it was my turn.

I'm going to be completely honest here, while I'm not the best at some things, I do know where my strong sense is, and that's singing and acting. He had my go through a few verses of "Under the Sea", "Kiss The Girl", "Human Stuff" and "I Want The Good Times Back".

Druitt seemed excited after I went. "Your voice is wonderful, Mr. Trancy." He complimented.

"Thank you," I said, out of breath after hitting the last note in "Kiss the Girl". I sat back down.

"Mr. Phantomhive," Druitt said, almost confused. "It's your turn."

He got up, seemingly bored with the whole situation and stood where he was supposed to to try out.

He sang the same songs I did and I have to say, this ass hole was not tone deaf. While the cocky part of me understood he wasn't as good as me (and I say it in the nicest way), he was still very good. Good enough for a part even. Looking around the room, I could see everyone else was as surprised as I was. No one expected this from the quiet, serious Phantomhive boy.

When he was done, Druitt stood there surprised. "Wonderfully done, Mr. Phantomhive." He smiled brightly upon getting over his original shock. He wrote a few things down. "Ms. Panthers, it's your turn now."

He sat back down next to me with a sigh, out of breath from the last note in "Human Stuff".

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I whispered, careful not to disturb the singing girl in front of the room.

He looked at me. "What?" He raised an eyebrow.

"When you said you were tone deaf, I thought you meant you were bad at singing!"

He shrugged. "Sebastian has been giving me lessons."

"And you never thought to tell your boyfriend?"

"I didn't think it was important." He shrugged again. "It's not like I'll get a part, anyway."

"Did you see Druitt? He looked like he saw fucking angels come down from the heavens as you sang." I chuckled.

"Is he a pedophile?" He eyed the teacher.

"N- wait why are you asking that."

He shrugged. "He made me dress in drag for the first grade play." He shivered at the memory.

"Ooh~ Are there pictures?"

"No," he rolled his eyes. "I burned them."



Or at least a small one.

This is not exactly a chapter you'd expect after smut, is it?

Either way I got this idea for a play thanks to an amazing author who you should check out on FanFiction.net, a Cielois fanfic with more than 400 chapters.... And it's still going. It's really cool and I can't seem to stop reading it. It's called Devils Like to Dance and I very strongly recommend it.

Until next time, my boo boos~

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now