His Student Helpful

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~Ciel's POV~

"Thanks again, Alois," I said. "You know, for putting off that whole awkward conversation we're gonna have to have." I sat down at the lunch table, reaching for my sandwich Sebastian had packed me. I'd called Alois last night and apologized, asking if maybe the conversation could be held at a more appropriate time when we both know where our feelings stand.

"Don't thank me." He answered. "I'm not looking forward to that conversation anymore than you are." He smiled before eating some of his chips. "By the way, did you still need help getting ready for your date with Eliza-bitch tonight?"

"That's not her name." I laughed slightly.

"It is now." He snickered. "Anyway, do you?"

"Yeah, I think tonight will be the night I finally get to dump her."

"Sounds romantic." Alois laughed.

"As romantic as it gets." I joked. "Maybe now we can finally figure everything out? You know, without her interruptions." I said, somewhat nervously.

A small pink blush swept across Alois' face. "I think so." He said. After a minute of awkward silence, the bell rang. We both picked up the rest of our stuff and went to our lockers (which were conveniently next to each other) and headed to their science class.

Ms. Red probably wished that we'd stayed fighting, all throughout class me and Alois would blurt out random sarcastic quotes and dirty jokes.

"Enough!" Ms. Red cried after Alois yelled "that's what she said" when she had something about sexual reproduction. "Alois, Ciel, go to the office!"

"Aww, come off it, Red! JIt was a few jokes!" Alois called back.

"Alois, don't get yourself into any more trouble. Let's go." Ciel pulled him back.

They walked out of the classroom and into the halls. "I could've taken her." Alois said in a somewhat joking voice.

"I'd love to see you try to fight a teacher." I laughed. "Especially Ms. Red." Before Alois could answer, we turned the corner to be faced with Elizabeth.

"Ciel," She greeted me sweetly, then she turned and faced Alois. "Alois," She said in a sickingly sweet tone. "Didn't you know that booty shorts are for girls? You'd think your mom would tell you that..... oh wait, she abandoned you. And so did your dad." She let out a cruel laugh.

I was shocked that Elizabeth would say such a thing, especially considering she knew about my parents. Before I could stand up for Alois, he took care of it himself.

"Eliza-bitch, darling!" He cried out in super-sweet yet super-fake joy. "I thought your mom would teach you not to wear booty shorts with your flat-ass. And I forgive you for making fun of me, I mean it must be hard being you! Flat ass, no boobs, annoying voice, and who could forget that your 'boyfriend' would rather hang out with me than you." He sighed. "I guess everyone can't have it as nice as me. Anyway, tata darling, me and your 'boyfriend' are going to go have some fun." He winked at me, only causing me to roll my eyes.

She only growled in response and stomped off. As soon as she was gone, me and Alois started cracking up.

"Okay, okay," I said after a minute of laughter. "We'd better go to the principals office."

"But I hate Mr. Sutcliff!" Alois said. "He always makes perverted comments on everyone who goes in there."

"Aren't you used to it?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "You're basically a pervert magnet."

"Well yeah but," he looked at me. "There's you."

"Trust me, I'm not like you, I won't be getting any comments." I chuckled.

He sighed but didn't say anything further which only led me to wonder. Why on earth was he worried about me?

When we got into the office, the secretary, Mr. Spears, let us in before continuing with his calls.

"My, my, J- I mean Alois Trancy is here yet again." Mr. Sutcliff said as soon as we walked in. "And look, poor Mr. Phantomhive is with you." He grinned. "This outta be interesting."

Alois sighed. "It's my fault." He says. "I was causing trouble and made an inappropriate joke during science."

The principal frowned. "Oh c'mon! It had to be more interesting that that!" He yelled.

"Uhh," Alois looked at me. "No, it's just that." He looked back at the pricipal.

"That is so unfair! You two were supposed to be caught making out under the bleachers and sent to my office, like in the fan fiction!" He slammed a pretty good sized stack of neatly printed papers on the desk. "Honestly I've been shipping you two since you set foot in here, and yet it still won't happen." He sobbed. "Just make out already!"

I could feel myself blush. Did he really just say that? Our principal really was insane, and he's spent so much time writing that fan fiction about us. I eyed the stack of papers. "Uh, Mr. Sutcliff?" I said. "Can you just give us our punishment? It's almost time to leave..." I looked at the clock. Five more minutes until it was time, and I could just go home already.

"No punishment," he said sadly. "Not until you're caught making our under the bleachers..." He sighed sadly. "Leave now. You're dismissed."

Alois and I awkwardly left the room. We went to our lockers in silence and packed up, considering the bell had already rung.

"It's official," Alois broke our silence. "Our principal is insane!"

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now