Those Boys, In Love

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This chapter is going to have so many OHSHC refrences that it might confuse some of you guys, sorry about that!



It had been a few days since Alois got Ciel back, in those weeks they'd moved in together, had their little arguments, sexual things, and many more. On one particular day, when the boys were just having a normal conversation as they walked to their apartment, they crossed the conversation they'd been avoiding; what had happened during those five years, they knew they'd have to explain.

"So, do you have any other friends?" Alois asked finally. The question had been nagging him. Did he have anyone else to worry about?

Ciel smiled and nodded. "Yes I have a group from Japan. You should meet them they're really nice."

Alois smiled and nodded. "I'd love to, what are their names?"

"There's Honey, Mori, Kyoya, Tamaki, Hikaru, Karou, and Haruhi." He smiled. "They used to be in a host club!"

"Host club?" Alois froze. Please don't let any of them be gay...

"Yeah, the twins are real flirts." He shrugged with a smile. "We should go see them today!"

Alois nodded hesitantly. "We should..."

Ciel smiled and took his hand. "Let's go, they all live in my old apartment complex." He started to lead him away from their apartment.


Ciel smiled as he knocked on Tamaki's apartment door. "Tamaki, it's Ciel!" He called.

After a moment, a tall blonde man with purple tinted eyes (kinda like Druitt, their old drama teacher) opened the door, smiling. "Ciel, my good friend!" He said happily. "Haruhi and I were just talking about you."

"I see you failed to mention us..." The twins said in an annoyed tone. They both stood up and walked toward the door, tugging Ciel in by his arms. "We've been waiting for you."

Alois bit his lip. "Please don't let them be gay..." He repeated his earlier thoughts in a mutter.

Tamaki stepped aside and let Alois in, motioning for him to sit down in one of the chairs. Ciel was already sitting between the twins. There was a brunette who smiled kindly at him, he/she was dressed in boy's clothes and had short hair, but there was something girlish about it.

Suddenly, another person came in from the other room, a tall man following behind. The boy who came out looked no older than 7, but was dressed as if he were a grown man. He was short with blonde hair and brownish eyes. "Tama-chan, you have no cake in this place." He said grumpily.

The man that had followed him had short blackish hair, also having a brownish color in his eyes. He only nodded, staying silent.

The small boy looked over and saw Ciel, smiling happily. "Ciel-chan!" He leaped on him, wrapping his arms around his neck. "I missed you so much, Ciel-chan! Mori said you'd come back and I knew you would! You brought someone with you!" He ran over to a wide-eyed Alois. "Kyoya said you are Alois Trancy and you're quite rich, but both of your parents died." He frowned, his big, round eyes filling with tears. "Just like Ciel's parents two years ago!"

Ciel stopped him from crying by pulling out cake and handing it to him. "Don't be upset little man."

"Hey!" Honey cried out in an offended tone, still taking the cake because yes. "I'm not a little man! I'm older than you!"

Alois arched an eyebrow as the small boy- excuse me- man(ly man) ate the cake with superhuman speed. Older than Ciel? C'mon, this kid had to be like 5 years old.

Haruhi smiled. "So, Alois," she said kindly. "We've heard a lot about you, even before Kyoya did his weird research thing." Tamaki wrapped his arms around the brunette and hugged her close, causing her to sigh. "You're still not my father, senpai. Stop hugging me."

The twins had stealthily got out some cookies. (I hope you guys see where I'm going with this) "So, Ciel," they smirked. "Honey senpai made some cookies, would you like one?" They clearly had a plan, as they kept glancing at Alois briefly before turning all of their attention on Ciel, as if he were some angel sent from heaven. (Dat booty was definitely sent from heaven)

Ciel nodded a little. "Sure." He took a cookie and went to eat it. Before he could actually bite it, Hikaru smirked and leaned in close, biting off some of the cookie himself.

"Oh Ciel," Kaoru smirked, shaking his head. "You already have crumbs on your face, allow me to help." He leaned in and licked the small amount of crumbs Ciel had gotten on his face.

Alois sat in his chair, inwardly boiling. He'd just gotten Ciel back and now some damned twins were trying to take him away?

Ciel, seeing Alois get mad, smirked and walked over to him, sitting down in his lap with a small nod. "Yep, this is a lot more comfortable."

 The twins smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Why if it isn't young love?"

"Didn't he used to do that with Carter?" Kaoru looked at his twin.

Hikaru nodded. "Yeah, he and Carter used to be close."

"Hey, I was with Alois before Carter and I intend to stay with him for as long as I can." Ciel said defiantly.

Kaoru smirked, getting the answer he wanted. "So you want to marry Alois?" He asked innocently.

Ciel blushed. "Erm, well-"

"If you want to marry him, why don't you just do it? You guys have known each other for a really long time, and now you're old enough to do it, we've heard about the promise ring, which he still has by the way, so why not?" Hikaru said.

Alois smiled as he snaked his arms around Ciel's waist. "I like the way you two think." He turned and looked at Ciel. "What do you say? Should we get married.

 Ciel blushed a little and nodded. "Let's get married."


GIRLS WE'RE GONNA PLAN A WEDDING *major fangirling even though I'm the one who wrote it*

*Also celebrating 12,000+ reads, thank you my darlings for that*

Do you guys realize how inspirational you are in the comments? Even with your Z formation snapping that is my inspiration, so I thank you.

Also I have a nickname now? And it's after a TV channel?????? Hell motherfrickin' yes my readers thank you.

Also, my chapter updates can be more frequent/better now! I finished my play (and was awesome *awesome guitar solo in distance*) and now there's no more rehearsals, so I can spend more time making sure I put raw chicken instead of rotten chicken.

Anywho, until next time, my boo boos~

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now