That Princess, Messing With Their Heads

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Quick Authors Note; so we've all agreed not to kill me, right? Great, remember that because I think you'll all hate me by the end of this chapter. You probably already hate me after reading that chapter name...

But I still love you, my boo boos~


"You could just stage kiss her! Ya know, so your lips don't actually touch?" Alois continued trying to get him out of doing the play the right way.

Ciel, who was changing into his Prince Eric costume, laughed. "Alois, are you jealous?" He yelled to the blonde standing outside the dressing room, like he was told.

"Ciel, I just don't like telling you to kiss her. Maybe you shouldn't..." Alois sighed.

Ciel chuckled an left the dressing room. "Am I wearing this sash thing right?" He asked.

Alois was stunned. "Y-yeah..." His eyes scraped over every inch of him. They hadn't done a dress rehearsal for the guys yet, only the girls with complicated costumes, so this was a new sight for him.

Alois always thought Ciel looked attractive. He could be wearing a garbage bag and Alois would still tap dat, but this, yeah he liked this look on him.

His hair was a little messy due to putting his clothes on. He wore a white button up shirt with his sleeves pushed up to his elbows. Around his waist was a red sash that acted somewhat as a belt. He also wore dark blue kinda skinny jeans, though he still looked hella manly in them (off topic but am I the only one half thinking of Marshall Lee?).

"Is there something wrong? You're looking at me funny..." Ciel said, blushing slightly and making sure his underwear wasn't showing. (them damned spidey undies always get in the way)

Alois snapped out of his daze and smirked. "Sorry, it's just you look so sexy."

Getting the reaction Alois wanted, Ciel blushed. "Oh, uh..." His face only got redder. "Thank you."

Alois chuckled. "Now I've got to change to look like a crab..." He sighed.

"Don't worry," Ciel was smirking this time. This can't be good. "You'll look sexy anyway." He kissed his cheek and walked off.

Alois smiled to himself and gathered his whole Sebastian costume.

"Alois!" Katy said, walking toward him.

He looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "What?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

She smiled at him in a way that reminded him of a certain blonde who also hated him. "Listen..." She dropped the smile and fake-sweet tone. "I know that you really like Ciel, but I'll politely ask you to back out of it. We wouldn't want you... Getting hurt."

(Lord_CielPhantomhive is sharpening her knife and Amorli is getting those claws ready while _Elizabeth__Midford_ already has her swords out)

"Katy, we have your costume!" A group of girls called, making her snap back into her happy outlook.

"One second!" She called back. She turned back to Alois. "Just remember I warned you." She skipped off.


"We are the daughters of Triton! A great father who loves us and named us and named us well!"

Ciel could hear them from the hall as he ran around trying to get ready for his next scene, where he'd "fall" off ship and Ariel would save the day.

Over the past two weeks, he'd gotten plenty of practice so he was half confident in it, as all of the other scenes as well as this one.

.... Except one.

He'd never actually kissed Katy, and tonight he had to. Poor Alois would be there front and center to see it all happen.

But Alois knew Ciel loved him, right? Wait, had Ciel even said that word to him? Maybe he's used it as a nickname but he hasn't really said it. Should he say it? They've had sex and hasn't even said it...

Now Ciel was freaking out for a whole new reason.

Katy walked up to him and smiled. "Hey there, handsome. What's with the worried face?"

"Should I tell Alois I love him?" He asked. "Or will that freak him out?"

Katy had a miniature panic attack. This was not how the plan was supposed to go. "No!" She almost yelled. "I mean, are you crazy? You haven't been dating for too long and that would totally freak him out!" She shook her head. "You shouldn't."

Ciel nodded. "You're right..."

"If it makes you feel any better, there's going to be an intermission soon, and I'll talk for him for you then, you know, to see what he thinks so you don't completely embarrass yourself." She said kindly.

Ciel nodded again and smiled a little. "That would be great, you're amazing."

She smiled. "It's just what I do." She shrugged.

"Ariel, you're on stage." A stage director called. "Eric, you're on right after her."

They both nodded and Katy, or Ariel, went to the stage.


"And now we'll be doing a ten minute intermission" The principal said to the people in the crowd, who was mostly already up, getting random things from the counter or talking to other people, over all, not giving a damn about what a potbellied bald guy had to say about no food in the auditorium.

And that meant, Katy and Alois had time to... chat.

Originally, Alois was going to go see Ciel and tell him what a good job he did (and maybe make out with him...) but he was stopped by a certain ginger girl in a green fin and purple seashell bra.

"Alois!" Katy walked up to him (or waddled, it was a tight skirt/tail). "I just really wanted to apologize about what happened earlier, I'm just slightly bipolar and was a little upset at the time." She smiled warmly at him. "Could we, maybe, bury the hatchet?"

Katy had gotten Alois in the right place, him being bipolar and understanding how quickly your feelings could change and maybe saying things you don't mean, while in actuality, Katy wasn't bipolar at all.  Alois sighed. "Alright... But just remember, I don't always forgive people for this kind of thing."

She smiled happily. "That's amazing! Okay, thank you so much." She giggled a little. "So, I had a kinda personal question about you and Ciel's relationship?"

Alois sighed. "And that would be?" He looked at her, almost tiredly.

Katy knew she was losing him, so she quickly said, "Has he even told you he loves you? Me and some of the other girls were just wondering, you've known each other for so long, we guessed he had.... Has he?" She looked at him curiously, hiding a smirk.

Alois shook his head. "No he hasn't, but I know how he feels, he just doesn't express his feelings very often."

"He doesn't?" She frowned. "I just thought, you know, you've known each other for more than three years, and now you're dating... He should've said it by now, right?"

And just like Katy had intended, she was in Alois' head. "I guess you're right," He said quietly. "Why hasn't Ciel said it yet?" He said a little louder this time.

She shrugged innocently. "Maybe you should talk to him after the show is over." She suggested. "Intermission is just about over."

Alois nodded. "I think I will."


And I'm ending the chapter there due to the fact that the more I write, the sharper your knives get

Can you believe that this is just the first show? Two more to go!

While I do love you guys, the death threats are getting scary, iamanawesometaco introduced me to the fact that you can, infact, strangle someone with their own hair. Thanks for that information but I'm sad to inform you that we cannot have Cielois babies unless they're adopted. Very sorry.

Until next time, my boo boos~

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now