His Prince Was Kissed by The Girl

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Everyone bowed one last time, Under The Sea still blasting through the speakers. Finally, the curtains closed and everyone stopped holding hands and started to compliment each other on their way off of the stage.

Although, one crab didn't look too happy when his prince was caught up in a conversation with a certain princess.

"No you were so good!" She said excitedly.

"You were good too." Ciel said, less excited. He smiled at Alois. "You did great!" He said as he got closer. "I loved your performance, I love-"

Katy put a hand on his arm and gave him a warning glance.

"How well you did." Ciel corrected himself, much to the blonde's disappointment.

Alois frowned. "You did amazingly too." He smiled weakly. "I'm going to go change out of the crab costume now..." He walked off to go change.

Ciel frowned a little. "Maybe I should just tell him..." He said to Katy.

Katy shook her head. "Definitely not. Can we talk?" She asked as she started leading him to the dressing room area.

Ciel nodded and walked with her. "What about?" He asked.

She blushed lightly. "I kind of... Have a crush on you." He finally said upon getting to the dressing rooms.

Ciel paused. "I'm sorry, but you know I'm gay, and I'm dating Alois." He said as kindly as possible.

She shook her head. "I understand. It's stupid, really. But, uhm, can I do something?" She smiled some and blushed more.

"Sure, what is it?" Ciel asked.

Katy leaned in and kissed him, pulling him by the collar of his shirt so he couldn't pull away from her.

Ciel tried to pull away, but couldn't. For a girl, she had a strong grip. He refused to kiss back. It felt so wrong.

She finally pulled away after a moment. "Nothing?" She asked.

He shook his head and smiled apologetically. "Sorry Katy, but I love Alois and no one else."

She nodded and looked away. "Well, at least no one saw." She hid a smirk.

Little did Ciel know, Alois had finished changing and came looking for him. Only to see his lips connected with a certain beautiful red head's.

Alois frowned deeply. "Ciel?" He whispered before running away, tears in his eyes.


Short chapter but I'm ending it there for obvious reasons.

*is prepared for my death*

*is also ready to be shunned and read Katy's death threats*

Until next time, my boo boos~

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now