His Tutor's 18 Birthday

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I will not put SebaCiel in this Cielois story, I will not put SebaCiel in this Cielois story....


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Alois screamed when he walked into the school and saw Ciel, causing everyone who was in the hallway to stare at either Alois or Ciel.

Ciel blushed. "Can you not?" He muttered when the blonde walked up to him.

"I'm sorry for being an awesome boyfriend and getting you this," he pulled out a small box.

"Alois," Ciel smiled as he took the box. "I thought we agreed, no presents."

"No, no, no, you said no presents, I never agreed to anything." He smirked. "Just open the damned box, I'm excited."

Ciel rolled his eyes playfully and opened the box, only to find a silver ring. He froze. It had been two months since they'd told each other they love each other, they'd skimmed over the marriage conversation but Ciel didn't think Alois would propose.

"Relax I'm not proposing." Alois chuckled after seeing Ciel's eyes widen. "Well, not yet. It's a promise ring." He smiled brightly.

Ciel smiled too. "Alois, this is so sweet." He kissed his cheek. "Thank you." He slipped the ring on his left ring finger.

Alois smiled too. "Now everyone knows you're mine." He took the hand he had the ring on and laced his fingers through Ciel's.

"You're perfect." Ciel pecked his lips with a smile. The bell rang, breaking their moment.

They both waved at each other and walked to class, Ciel messing with the ring during class with a smile on his face.

He really did love Alois.


Ciel got home and walked up the stairs to put his bag down. Alois wouldn't be coming over today, due to the fact he got detention for calling Ciel a 'mega sexy beast' who could 'do him anytime' during class.

Ciel would kill him for that (with love).

Upon walking into his room, he saw a small box on his bed. The tag on it said it was from Sebastian. He opened the box and saw a cup of his favorite tea sitting on the inside.

He chuckled and took it out, sipping it. It was still warm, like Sebastian had placed it there not even five minutes ago.

He looked out the window, to the small terrace he had and saw Sebastian was out there, cleaning the glass door.

Ciel smiled and opened the opposite door to the one he was cleaning. "Thank you for the tea." He said kindly.

Sebastian smiled. "Not a problem, Ciel." He said. He looked over at the new silver ring on his left ring finger. "Is that new?" He asked, though he knew the real answer and he was hit with a pang of jealousy, but he hid it well. If there's one thing that confused Sebastian, it was why he loved Ciel so much.

"Oh," Ciel smiled as he looked at the ring on his finger. "It's a promise ring Alois gave to me."

Sebastian nodded slowly, the jealousy slowly becoming harder to control by the second. He clenched his teeth. "That's nice." He managed to spit out.

Ciel raised an eyebrow. "Are you okay?" He asked. Sebastian had been his butler for two years now, and in that time they'd grown close so he knew that something was wrong when Sebastian started acting like this.

Sebastian sighed and set down his cleaning supplies. He turned toward Ciel. "No," he admitted. "I'm not. You've fallen for the Trancy kid and now I have no chance to get you."

Ciel paused. "Get me?" He asked after a moment.

"Yes, get you, like be with you. I've wanted to be with you for a while, Ciel, but it hasn't been legal, until today." He smiled some. "I was waiting for today, then Alois started coming over. Seeing the way you acted, I guessed that you didn't like him and I still had a chance, but when I caught you both in bed together, I had to leave quickly." He sighed. "I'm sorry..."

"S-sorry for what?" Ciel asked, still shocked.

"For this." He leaned in and kissed him softly.


... CRAP

But yay birthdays, promise rings! So romantic... Don't kill me.

Although you SebaCiel shippers might be happy.

Oh well, until next time, my boo boos~

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now