His Boyfriend, Found The Shovel

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"What do you mean, he kissed you?!" Alois almost yelled. Ciel was right, he might hurt someone.

"It was only once," Ciel lied. "And he said it'd never happen again and he didn't mean it!" The lies kept piling up as he tried to calm him down. He was upset that Sebastian had kissed him too, but he didn't want him to get hurt for it.

Alois shook his head. "It still happened! No one is allowed to touch you like that except me!" He started to get up and walk toward the door.

"Alois no!" Ciel took his hand. "You're right, you're the only one who's allowed to touch me like that, but please don't let your fist remind Sebastian of that fact."

"Fine, it won't be my fist." He left the room and seemingly left the house. A few minutes later Ciel heard him cry out from down stairs like a crazy person.

He ran downstairs to see Alois, shovel in hand, running toward the kitchen. "Alois!" Ciel yelled. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Defending your lips!" He cried out again. He almost made it to the kitchen before Ciel stopped him.

"Stop! Do not hurt him!" Ciel held on to his shoulders. "It was a one time thing that will never happen again. I love you and I always will, no matter who tries to come between us, whether it be Elizabeth, Katy, Sebastian or Carter-"

"Wait, Carter?" Alois raised an eyebrow.

"..... I love you Alois. Now, give me the shovel." Ciel held out his hand to take the shovel from him.

Alois sighed and handed it to him. "Fine. I love you too."

Ciel smiled and kissed him softly. After Alois kissed back, things slowly got more heated. Soon, Ciel was pinned to the wall as Alois explored it mouth with his tongue, holding him and supporting him at his butt.

Ciel moaned and clawed at his hair and back. He wanted him and he wanted him now.

"Ciel it's time that Alois goes home." Sebastian said in an annoyed tone.

Alois glared and put Ciel down. He then smirked. "It's Friday..." He wrapped his arms around Ciel's neck. "Why don't we have a little sleep over?" He whispered almost seductively in Ciel's ear.

Ciel blushed but smiled. "Sounds fun."

Alois smiled. "I'll have Claude bring a few of my things over, then."

Ciel nodded. "Sebastian prepare dinner for the both of us." He ordered.

Sebastian nodded, holding back a glare. "Yes, young master." He watched as Alois led Ciel up the stairs into his room, closing, and locking the door behind them. He walked into the kitchen and began preparing food for both of them. "Why Alois?" He muttered angrily as his chopping got harder and faster. "He's a jerk who's probably only after his body. Give it a year and he'll be gone, hopefully for good." He calmed down his chopping. "And then it'll just be me and Ciel..." He smirked at the thought.

Just him and Ciel...


Ugh, Sebastian you Pedobear!

*PedoBear walks in* "da fuck you say?"

Ah, such fun... Anywho, I might not update as quickly for the next 2-3 weeks due to the fact that I have play rehearsals everyday for a while... *heavy sigh* sorry babies

Until next time, my boo boos~

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now