Those Fangirls, And Their Raw Chickens

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Because I cannot dedicate the chapter to two people (damn you Wattpad!) I'll just thank them now, Baylee_Trancyhive and iamanawesometaco gave me this crazy and beautiful idea. Thank you both so much!

I also hope you guys don't mind that I've used some of your usernames in here, only a few and I'm dearly sorry to the ones I left out!

So, my beautiful fangirls, let the chicken beating begin.

"Hey, I need to get a ride from you and Sebastian today." Alois said, he said his name in a hateful tone. Understandable. They'd been rude to each other the entire weekend. "Claude said something about the damned car breaking down."

Ciel nodded. "Okay, I'm sure it won't be a problem." He kissed his cheek as the bell rang. "See you after school."

They both parted, but something felt off to the both of them. As if they were being watched. And did they smell chicken?


Someone's POV* (heheheheh)

"Sebastian's car is the black one, right?" iamanawesometaco asked, looking at the rest of us fangirls.

We nodded. "Yes, and it should be here any minute." Amorlie said. "And can someone tell me why we thought it was a good idea to wear our Black Butler shirts and Cosplay?"

I shrugged. "You're talking to the same people who said 'hey, let's go into that fan fiction and beat the characters we don't like'."

"Katy needed to go." _Elizabeth__Midford_ said, holding on to her swords as if she were ready to attack at any given moment.

Baylee_Trancyhive smiled. "I am so ready to beat someone with a raw chicken..."

I laughed and spun my baseball bat around. "Anything we should be worried about?"

"Actually, yes. Alois will be getting a ride from Sebastian and Ciel later.." Baylee_Trancyhive trailed off. "And there's a Carter fellow who keeps flirting with Ciel ever since he heard Ciel likes blondes.

"Hm," I tapped my chin. "Should we take care of him too?"

Amorli shook her head. "If he tries anything to ruin their relationship, we move. But for now we'll just beat Bas- I mean Sebastian."

iamanawesometaco pouted. "The one time I can't strangle someone with their hair..."

"It mentioned that you strangled Katy, isn't that good enough?" Mor3lulz giggled, messing with the sharp tip of her shovel. "Though I'm happy my shovel made an appearance last chapter.."


Lord_CielPhantomhive face palmed. "Seriously, we know it's you..."

"Excuse me bitch I do not appreciate that tone- oh hey there's his car... And it's stopped at the light, leggo!"

We all walked toward the black car, swinging their weapons (although swinging a chicken was kind of awkward for Baylee). They arrived in front of the car.

iamanawesometaco swung open the door. "Out bitch." She commanded.

Sebastian looked at them like they were crazy, which, admittedly, they were. "Excuse me but-"

"Bassy!" Amorli yelled, nearly throwing herself inside the car to kiss his face repeatedly.

"We agreed you wouldn't do this!" Lord_CielPhantomhive yelled, pulling her away from the car despite her attempts to kick and yell to get back to the confused raven haired butler.

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now